The dynamic behavior of a gas or liquid is determined by the conservation equations for mass, momentum, and energy, together with the equation of state. These equations with certain restrictions have been investigated in some detail. The 3 cases that have been considered in solving these equations for the physical parameters of the medium are: (1) no energy source put into the medium, (2) a deterministic energy source put into the medium, and (3) an undeterministic energy source in the form of Gaussian white noise put into the medium. In the 1st case, an expression for the temperature distribution as a function of boundary conditions is obtained. In the 2nd and 3rd cases, a statistical solution is obtained. The 2nd case leads to an expression for the expected value of the temperature fluctuations, and the 3rd case gives expressions for the physical parameters of the medium in terms of the Wiener statistics.
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December 1962
December 01 1962
Statistical Model for Investigating the Physical Parameters of the Ocean
Robert L. Shaffer
Robert L. Shaffer
Emerson Research Laboratories, Silver Spring, Maryland
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 34, 1974 (1962)
Robert L. Shaffer; Statistical Model for Investigating the Physical Parameters of the Ocean. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 December 1962; 34 (12_Supplement): 1974.
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