A field measurement program was performed to determine the background noise levels as a function of time and location for a number of selected community areas in one city. Measurements of background noise were obtained according to a randomized sampling schedule. Concurrent observations were obtained of street traffic flow and other significant noise sources. This paper discusses variations in mean background noise spectra with time and location and short term fluctuations in noise levels. Inferences are drawn for the number and disposition of necessary field measurements to establish background noise levels with desired precision. The degree of correlation between background noise levels and street traffic flow is discussed and related to a previously reported procedure for estimating the noise from vehicular traffic [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 29, 779(A) 1957]. Comparisons are drawn between observed aircraft noise and background noise from all other sources. [This work was supported in part by the U. S. Air Force under Contract Nos. AF 33(616)‐3335 and AF 33 (616)‐3938.]

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