An understanding of the over‐all process of hearing depends upon proper interpretation of the results of many individual experiments. In the field of subjective experimentation the problem has been complicated by the wide variety of test procedures that characterize available data. If a common technique could be applied to the many different types of auditory tests, such as thresholds of acuity, masking tests, difference limens, etc., the organization of these data would be facilitated. The purpose of the present paper is to describe a test procedure which has shown promise in this direction and to give descriptions of equipment which have been found helpful in minimizing the variability of the test results. The procedure, which we have called the “ABX” test, is a modification of the method of paired comparisons. An observer is presented with a time sequence of three signals for each judgment he is asked to make. During the first time interval he hears signal A, during the second, signal B, and finally signal X. His task is to indicate whether the sound heard during the X interval was more like that during the A interval or more like that during the B interval. For a threshold test, the A interval is quiet, the B interval is signal, and the X interval is either quiet or signal. For a masking test, A is the masking signal, B is the masking signal plus the signal being masked, and X is either A or B repeated. The apparatus for the ABX test is mechanized so all details of the method can be duplicated for each observer, and the variability of manual operation eliminated. The entire test is coded on teletype tape to reduce the time and effort of collecting large quantities of data.
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September 1950
September 01 1950
Standardizing Auditory Tests
W. A. Munson;
W. A. Munson
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Murrray Hill, New Jersey
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Mark B. Gardner
Mark B. Gardner
Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., Murrray Hill, New Jersey
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 22, 675 (1950)
W. A. Munson, Mark B. Gardner; Standardizing Auditory Tests. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 September 1950; 22 (5_Supplement): 675.
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