Acoustics is central to music education, and listening should be ubiquitous in any pedagogical approach. Listening to music and learning meter theory is not always compatible with recent research. This paper provides insight into meter fundamentals education and the usual methods and offers a modern solution, Ski-hill Graph Pedagogy Meter Fundamentals. Cohn's (2020) ski-hill graphs provide students with meter mathematics they need to apply to timing and expression of music to learn the basics of music for performance. The comprehensive contemporary meter theory offers teachers an alternative to meters understood as time signatures, one notated pulse grouped in a measure. Students require meter fundamentals pedagogy based on the sound that supports their developing awareness of the meter. Also, the meter theory requires the capacity for all meters, not just a surface level or one that focuses on Western music and notation. Ski-hill graphs offer valuable contributions to education, and the paper provides details of new ways forward in acoustics for listening in student education.