This erratum regards several typos that were missed during the copyediting process as detailed below.

Dr. Yu Shiu of Cornell Center for Conservation Bioacoustics has been added to the authorship list.

In the description for the detection function and sonar equation, [TL(r)] should instead be PL(r).

In the Introduction, the first line on page 68 “In classical form, the sonar equation assumes that the source level of an animal is independent of the ambient noise level at the sensor.” should instead read “The application of the sonar equation to a bioacoustic context typically assumes that the source level of an animal's sound is independent of the ambient noise level at a distant acoustic recording site.”

In the Introduction (page 68), the sentence “Fournet et al. (2018) report a 0.79 dB (CI = 0.67–0.87) increase in social with 1 dB of ambient sound levels for humpback whales recorded in Alaska, where most of the signals are thought to represent social sounds.” should read “Fournet et al. (2018) report a 0.79 dB (CI = 0.67–0.87) increase in social call amplitude with 1 dB ambient sound levels for humpback whales recorded in Alaska, where most of the signals are thought to represent social sounds.”

There is an extraneous period in the first paragraph of Sec. II B (page 69) after 0.256 s. It should read simply “0.256 s DFT.”

There was a typo in the second paragraph of Sec. II B (page 69); the sentence “When an analyst visually detected an upcall, the first arrival of the call was annotated by creating a rectangular box in.” should read as “When an analyst visually detected an upcall, the first arrival of the call was annotated by creating a rectangular box containing the time and frequency boundaries of the call.”

In the last sentence of the Sec. II B (page 70), “data from the” should be added such that the sentence reads “However, the analyst noted the presence of arrivals on each MARU, regardless of whether data from the MARU was used in the localization tool.”

In Sec. II C 1 (page 70), “three or more arrivals visually or aurally detected in the spectrograms” should read, “three or more arrivals detected either visually or aurally in the spectrograms.”

In Sec. III B 1 (page 74), “There was some evidence of tracking animals entering or leaving Cape Cod Bay, but overall, calls were not highly correlated in space.” should instead read “There was evidence of tracks representing the movements of individual calling animals (i.e., call tracks) entering and leaving Cape Cod By, but overall, calls were not highly correlated in space.”

In Sec. III B 3, there is an extraneous “-” in front of the word “during.”

The units in Table III should be “km2” for area and “km” for radius.