This study quantified the effects of face masks on spectral speech acoustics in healthy talkers using habitual, loud, and clear speaking styles. Harvard sentence lists were read aloud by 17 healthy talkers in each of the 3 speech styles without wearing a mask, when wearing a surgical mask, and when wearing a KN95 mask. Outcome measures included speech intensity, spectral moments, and spectral tilt and energy in mid-range frequencies which were measured at the utterance level. Masks were associated with alterations in spectral density characteristics consistent with a low-pass filtering effect, although the effect sizes varied. Larger effects were observed for center of gravity and spectral variability (in habitual speech) and spectral tilt (across all speech styles). KN95 masks demonstrated a greater effect on speech acoustics than surgical masks. The overall pattern of the changes in speech acoustics was consistent across all three speech styles. Loud speech, followed by clear speech, was effective in remediating the filtering effects of the masks compared to habitual speech.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommended that individuals wear face masks to prevent the spread of airborne viral particles and reduce disease transmission (CDC, 2020a). Face masks have been shown to act as a low-pass filter on speech, presumably because they act as a barrier to the acoustic signal. Many types of face masks attenuate acoustic energy above approximately 1–2 kHZ (e.g., Palmiero et al., 2016; Corey et al., 2020). Some types of face masks have also been shown to negatively affect speech intelligibility in healthy talkers (e.g., Bandaru et al., 2020; Caniato et al., 2021; Randazzo et al., 2020; Toscano and Toscano, 2021).
Modifying our speaking style may be one way to overcome the effects of masks on speech. Although there is mounting evidence that speaking clearly improves intelligibility while wearing masks (Cohn et al., 2021; Gutz et al., 2021; Smiljanic et al., 2021; Yi et al., 2021), little is known about the acoustic characteristics of altered speech in masks. Furthermore, there is limited information of how other behavioral speech strategies, such as speaking loudly, impact speech production in masks. The current study quantified the effects of two face masks on spectral speech acoustics in young, healthy talkers across three speech styles: habitual, clear, and loud.
A. Face masks and spectral attenuation
In the spring of 2020, the CDC recommended several different types of masks that could be worn by the general public as a means of reducing transmission of COVID-19 (CDC, 2020b). Of these, two examples of widely available, disposable masks that meet a medical-grade standard include surgical masks and KN95 masks. Surgical masks (also known as medical procedure masks) are commonly made from nonwoven polypropylene fabric constructed of three layers (Chua et al., 2020). KN95 masks are a type of disposable respirator that meets an international standard of quality regarding their effectiveness in filtering out very small particles. KN95 masks are similar in construction to N95 masks with the difference being that KN95 masks are not approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (CDC, 2021).
Recent research has characterized a consistent pattern of a low-pass filter effect of masks in spite of methodological differences, including recording distance. This effect exists regardless of the type of material used for the masks, although attenuation is greater for thicker, more tightly woven materials compared to others (Corey et al., 2020). Greater attenuation has been observed for KN95 masks compared to surgical masks (Atcherson et al., 2020; Atcherson et al., 2021; Nguyen et al., 2021; Pörschmann et al., 2020).
The attenuation of higher frequency acoustic information may directly or indirectly impact a listener's ability to understand what is being said when a talker wears a mask. Acoustic information that listener's use to distinguish individual speech sounds typically ranges between 300 Hz (e.g., for high vowels; Hillenbrand et al., 1995) and 7000–8000 Hz for high frequency sounds such as /s/ (Jongman et al., 2000). Lower energy in these frequency ranges may also make it difficult to identify certain sound classes. Indirectly, an attenuated signal may also simply make it more difficult for listeners to comprehend or recall what they are hearing because they have to expend more effort to understand (Brown et al., 2021; Truong et al., 2021).
Nguyen et al. (2021) compared the effects of a surgical mask and KN95 mask on speech in 16 healthy talkers and found that both masks attenuated spectral levels between 1 and 8 kHz. The KN95 mask had a more detrimental effect with an attenuation of an average 5.2 dB compared to 2 dB from the surgical mask (recorded 6 cm from the mouth). Neither mask attenuated spectral information below 1 kHz, a finding consistent with previous research (Atcherson et al., 2020; Atcherson et al., 2021; Corey et al., 2020; Goldin et al., 2020). Pörschmann et al. (2020) reported peak attenuation between 3 and 5 kHz of an emphasized sine wave sweep to be approximately 7 dB and 15 dB with the surgical and KN95 masks, respectively, at a 2-m (6.6-ft) microphone distance. Atcherson et al. (2021) found similar degrees of attenuation at a 3-ft distance as well.
B. Face masks and speech intensity
While masks attenuate higher frequencies, generally, the overall vocal intensity appears to be less impacted. Fiorella et al. (2021) found that in 60 healthy talkers, wearing a surgical mask was not associated with a significant reduction in speech intensity of a sustained vowel. At an individual level, however, 65% of talkers demonstrated reduced speech intensity with the surgical mask on, whereas 35% demonstrated an increase. The authors suggested that some speakers may be unconsciously producing greater vocal effort to compensate for the filtering effects of the masks. Maryn et al. (2021) controlled for behavioral adjustments to masks by taking acoustic measures of prerecorded speech reproduced through a mannequin fitted in three distinct mask conditions as well as with no mask. Compared to no mask, they found no significant changes in intensity for standard surgical masks but did find reduced intensity for speech produced with a FFP2 mask (which are similar in filtration properties to N95 and KN95 masks) and a transparent window face mask on the order of 1.3 and 1.5 dB sound pressure level (SPL), respectively. Cohn et al. (2021) reported higher descriptive mean speech intensities on the order of 0.1–2 dB SPL for sentences produced with rather than without a fabric mask in three different speech styles (habitual, clear, and emotional) produced by two trained speakers. The authors suggested this was evidence that masks do not show an across-the-board pattern of intensity which distinguished face masks from no face masks. Overall, it appears that while masks may attenuate higher frequency components of the signal, they do not uniformly result in lower overall speech intensity.
C. Modified speech styles and spectral acoustics
To compensate for the filtration effects of face masks, speakers may need to adopt strategies to modify their speech to be better understood when wearing a face covering. Two strategies include speaking more clearly and/or loudly. Both of the clear and loud speaking styles have been shown to result in similar but not identical spectral changes to the speech signal. The changes across these two styles mirror those of and may be attributable to increased vocal effort (Rosenthal et al., 2014).
Loud speech may refer to noise-adapted Lombard speech, in which talkers reflexively increase their speech intensity in response to background noise, or a modified speech style, in which talkers intentionally speak at a higher volume. It is often elicited by introducing background noise to a talker or instructing them to speak at a volume that feels louder to them. Clear speech, which tends to be produced in adverse listening scenarios (Smiljanić and Bradlow, 2009), is typically elicited by instructing a talker to speak more clearly, although specific instructions vary and have been shown to have a systematic impact on the resultant speech alterations (e.g., Lam et al., 2012). In general, both clear and loud speech are produced with greater speech intensity, relative to habitual speech, with a greater increase observed for loud speech (Tjaden et al., 2013b). Both of these styles are also associated with an increase in energy in higher frequency ranges of speech, leading to a flatter (less negative) spectral slope. Flatter spectral slopes in loud speech have been attributed to greater energy in the first formant range (Fant, 1960; Ternström et al., 2006). This is likely, in part, due to jaw lowering that occurs, and the result is a lower rate of spectral roll-off. Clear speech has been associated with an increase in energy in mid-range frequencies (i.e., 1–3 kHz; Krause and Braida, 2004, 2009; Gilbert et al., 2014; Hazan et al., 2018; Hazan and Baker, 2011; Smiljanic, 2021).
D. Modified speech styles and face masks
In addition to acting as a low-pass filter, face masks have also been shown to negatively impact speech intelligibility, especially in adverse listening conditions. This also appears to differ by mask type with surgical masks demonstrating little to no effect for listeners with typical hearing (Atcherson et al., 2017; Fecher and Watt, 2013; Mendel et al., 2008) and thicker or more tightly woven masks, such as N95 masks, being more detrimental (Caniato et al., 2021; Randazzo et al., 2020). Recent work has found that speech produced using clear or loud speaking strategies yields improvements in intelligibility of speech produced with face masks (Cohn et al., 2021; Gutz et al., 2021; Smiljanic et al., 2021; Yi et al., 2021). Talkers may also be subconsciously altering their speech style in response to wearing masks. Cohn et al. (2021) found no significant effect of face masks on speech intelligiblity when talkers were speaking in a habitual, conversational manner. However, when talkers were instructed to speak clearly with and without a face mask, listeners were actually more accurate in understanding their speech when the mask was on. The opposite was true when speakers were instructed to speak “emotionally,” suggesting that speakers conform to a targeted adaptation approach in which when the goal is increased clarity, talkers may further and, in fact, overcompensate for the presence of an additional adverse variable, namely, a face mask.
What is not known at present is the nature of the relationship between the filtering effect of face masks on speech and the adjustments of speech styles on spectral acoustics. To understand the intelligibility benefit of altered speech styles in the presence of face masks and make adequate recommendations, a better understanding of the acoustic outcomes of altered speech styles in the presence of masks is needed.
E. Purpose
In summary, the primary acoustic impact of face masks is attenuation of higher frequency components of speech. More effortful speech, achieved through either clear or loud speaking styles, is associated with increased spectral energy in higher frequency components. The purpose of this study was to quantify acoustic spectral characteristics of speech produced by live talkers with and without face masks in clear and loud altered speech styles. Two research questions were of interest:
What is the impact of face masks on spectral acoustics of speech in unaltered (habitual) speech?, and
what is the relationship between face masks and altered speech styles (clear and loud) on spectral acoustics of speech?
This study builds on existing work of the acoustic and perceptual consequences of face masks on speech by investigating the effects of masks on speech produced in ways that talkers might use to compensate for the effects of masks: speaking more clearly or loudly.
This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University at Buffalo. Seventeen healthy adults with no history of speech, language, hearing, or neurological concerns (16 females and 1 male; mean age, 24 years old; age range, 20–42 years old) read aloud sentences from the Harvard sentence corpus (IEEE, 1969) in 3 face mask conditions and 3 speech style conditions. The face mask conditions included no mask, a standard disposable surgical mask, and a disposable KN95 mask. The speaking styles included habitual, loud, and clear.
All of the speakers began with the habitual style. The order of clear and loud speech conditions was counterbalanced across participants. The orders of face masks within and across each condition, as well as the order of Harvard sentence lists, were randomized for each participant to avoid order effects. All of the three mask types were worn for each of the three speech conditions, resulting in nine total conditions per participant. Within each condition, speakers read aloud two Harvard sentence lists (lists 1–18 were included for this study; IEEE, 1969).
The instructions for the clear speech condition were “speak clearly by overarticulating your speech, similar to how you might speak to someone who is having difficulty hearing you, or someone who is learning English and is having difficulty understanding you.” The instructions for loud speech were to “speak at a volume that feels two times louder than your normal speaking voice.” For both of the conditions, participants were given the opportunity to practice reading an additional subset of sentences aloud (not included in the stimuli) before beginning the block.
Participants were recorded in a sound-treated room and positioned 6 in. from a table top microphone (Shure SM58, Niles, IL). A second microphone (also a Shure SM58) was positioned at a 2-m distance. The results presented are from recordings made at the 6-in. distance. Prior to the experiment, a 1000 Hz tone of a fixed intensity was played via a small loudspeaker positioned under the chin of the participant. This tone was played and recorded three times and its intensity was measured via a sound level meter (Galaxy Audio CM-170, Wichita, KS) positioned adjacent to the microphone. The average intensity of this tone was used to calibrate the speech signal intensity for each participant.
A. Acoustic measures
The acoustic measures of interest included spectral measures known to be sensitive to the potential filtering characteristics of the masks (i.e., measures of spectral tilt; Nguyen et al., 2021; Corey et al., 2020) as well as measures known to be sensitive to speaking style (i.e., 1–3 kHz; Krause and Braida, 2004, 2009; Gilbert et al., 2014; Hazan et al., 2018; Hazan and Baker, 2011; Smiljanic, 2021). To address research question 1, this included overall speech intensity as well as four spectral moments (center of gravity, standard deviation of center of gravity, skewness, and kurtosis). The acoustic measures were taken from utterances produced in the habitual speech condition. The mean intensity was measured at the utterance level, and spectral moments were extracted from the long-term average spectrum (LTAS) of each utterance, characterizing the central tendency and shape of the speech frequency distribution in Praat (Boersma and Weenink, 2021).
To address research question 2, two measures related to spectral tilt were of interest: the total mean energy in the 1–3 kHz range and the difference in energy between 0 and 1 kHz and 1 and 10 kHz. Higher amounts of mean energy in the 1–3 kHz range are representative of increased vocal effort and have been associated with increased intelligibility (Hazan and Markham, 2004; Krause and Braida, 2004). A lower amount of energy in the higher frequency range (>1 kHz) is captured by a steeper or more negative spectral tilt. Steeper tilt has been associated with lower perceived loudness, effort, and intelligibility (Lu and Cooke, 2009).
B. Statistical analysis
All measures of interest were modelled as a function of the mask condition and, in the case of research question 2, speaking style, as well as the mask-by-speech style interaction, using linear mixed effects regression. To test whether observed patterns persisted at close and far recording distances, two sets of models were run for research question 2: a main set of models on recordings made at the 6-in. distance, and a secondary set of models at the 2-m distance. All models included random by-participant and by-item intercepts. Models addressing research question 2 also included by-participant random slopes for speaking style, although the 2-m recording distance models required a simplified random slopes structure to prevent model non-convergence. Face mask and speaking style were both contrast coded using reverse Helmert contrasts with three levels. Baseline levels were set to no mask and habitual speech, respectively. This contrast scheme permits the mean of the baseline level to be compared to the overall mean of the subsequent levels and the means of the other two levels to be compared to each other. The interpretation is as follows for the mask: (a) no mask vs mask (i.e., the overall mean of the surgical and KN95 masks) and (b) surgical mask vs KN95 mask, and for thespeaking style: (a) habitual vs altered speech (i.e., overall mean of clear and loud speech) and (b) clear vs loud speech. For example, a positive model estimate for no mask vs mask would indicate a lower overall mean value for a given outcome when talkers were not wearing a mask compared to when wearing a mask, which is averaged across the mask types. A negative beta estimate for, e.g., clear vs loud, speaking styles would indicate a lower mean value for clear speech compared to loud speech, and so on.
The effect sizes were calculated for each model predictor by dividing the estimate by the square root of the total variance of the random effects (i.e., the sum of the variance for each random effects term in the model and total residual variance; Westfall et al., 2014). Here, we refer to our effect sizes using traditional Cohen's d cutoffs (Cohen, 1962) as a means of comparing effects within this study, keeping in mind caveats when computing effects sizes for mixed models.1 Cohen's d cutoffs suggest the following effect size interpretation for small, medium, and large effect sizes, respectively: 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8. The effect sizes less than 0.2 are considered negligible, and large effect sizes may exceed the value of one.
A. Research question 1: Effect of masks in habitual speech
The results for research question 1 are reported in Table I. In habitual speech, compared to baseline (no mask), wearing a mask was associated with lower speech intensity, higher center of gravity (COG) and COG variability, and lower skewness and kurtosis. These effects can be seen in Table I for the contrast “no mask vs mask.” All of the effects significantly differed at < 0.001, although the size of each effect varied. The large effect sizes (>0.8) were observed for COG variability ( = –393.853, < 0.001). The medium effect sizes (0.5–0.8) were observed for COG, skewness, kurtosis, and spectral tilt (estimates: COG, = –169.896, < 0.001; skewness, = 1.051, < 0.001; kurtosis, = 30.744, < 0.001; tilt, = –1.009, < 0.001). The negligible effect sizes (< 0.2) were found for intensity, which was estimated to differ by approximately 0.6 dB SPL ( = –0.623, < 0.001), and mid-range frequencies ( = –0.913, < 0.001).
The model results for research question 1, showing the effects of masks in habitual speech, and the model estimates for each outcome measure are grouped by fixed effects terms.
Contrast . | Measure . | Estimate . | Standard error . | t . | p . | Effect size parameter . |
(Intercept) | Mid-range | 10.251 | 0.980 | 10.459 | <0.001 | 2.205 |
COG | 754.679 | 42.439 | 17.783 | <0.001 | 3.357 | |
COG SD | 909.761 | 60.711 | 14.985 | <0.001 | 2.568 | |
Intensity | 76.166 | 0.714 | 106.623 | <0.001 | 24.038 | |
Kurtosis | 59.545 | 7.093 | 8.394 | <0.001 | 1.458 | |
Skewness | 5.691 | 0.349 | 16.323 | <0.001 | 2.950 | |
Tilt | –16.170 | 0.587 | –27.547 | <0.001 | 5.237 | |
NM vs Mask | Mid-range | –0.913 | 0.157 | –5.820 | <0.001 | 0.196 |
COG | –169.896 | 9.671 | –17.568 | <0.001 | 0.756 | |
COG SD | –393.853 | 17.251 | –22.831 | <0.001 | 1.112 | |
Intensity | –0.623 | 0.080 | –7.765 | <0.001 | 0.196 | |
Kurtosis | 30.744 | 1.950 | 15.765 | <0.001 | 0.753 | |
Skewness | 1.051 | 0.088 | 11.949 | <0.001 | 0.545 | |
Tilt | –1.009 | 0.132 | –7.667 | <0.001 | 0.327 | |
SM vs KN | Mid-range | 0.052 | 0.181 | 0.288 | 0.774 | 0.011 |
COG | –48.734 | 11.155 | –4.369 | <0.001 | 0.217 | |
COG SD | –159.207 | 19.899 | –8.001 | <0.001 | 0.449 | |
Intensity | 0.090 | 0.092 | 0.978 | 0.328 | 0.029 | |
Kurtosis | 21.234 | 2.250 | 9.439 | <0.001 | 0.520 | |
Skewness | 0.473 | 0.101 | 4.657 | <0.001 | 0.245 | |
Tilt | –0.297 | 0.152 | –1.955 | 0.051 | 0.096 |
Contrast . | Measure . | Estimate . | Standard error . | t . | p . | Effect size parameter . |
(Intercept) | Mid-range | 10.251 | 0.980 | 10.459 | <0.001 | 2.205 |
COG | 754.679 | 42.439 | 17.783 | <0.001 | 3.357 | |
COG SD | 909.761 | 60.711 | 14.985 | <0.001 | 2.568 | |
Intensity | 76.166 | 0.714 | 106.623 | <0.001 | 24.038 | |
Kurtosis | 59.545 | 7.093 | 8.394 | <0.001 | 1.458 | |
Skewness | 5.691 | 0.349 | 16.323 | <0.001 | 2.950 | |
Tilt | –16.170 | 0.587 | –27.547 | <0.001 | 5.237 | |
NM vs Mask | Mid-range | –0.913 | 0.157 | –5.820 | <0.001 | 0.196 |
COG | –169.896 | 9.671 | –17.568 | <0.001 | 0.756 | |
COG SD | –393.853 | 17.251 | –22.831 | <0.001 | 1.112 | |
Intensity | –0.623 | 0.080 | –7.765 | <0.001 | 0.196 | |
Kurtosis | 30.744 | 1.950 | 15.765 | <0.001 | 0.753 | |
Skewness | 1.051 | 0.088 | 11.949 | <0.001 | 0.545 | |
Tilt | –1.009 | 0.132 | –7.667 | <0.001 | 0.327 | |
SM vs KN | Mid-range | 0.052 | 0.181 | 0.288 | 0.774 | 0.011 |
COG | –48.734 | 11.155 | –4.369 | <0.001 | 0.217 | |
COG SD | –159.207 | 19.899 | –8.001 | <0.001 | 0.449 | |
Intensity | 0.090 | 0.092 | 0.978 | 0.328 | 0.029 | |
Kurtosis | 21.234 | 2.250 | 9.439 | <0.001 | 0.520 | |
Skewness | 0.473 | 0.101 | 4.657 | <0.001 | 0.245 | |
Tilt | –0.297 | 0.152 | –1.955 | 0.051 | 0.096 |
The same general direction of results was found when comparing the two masks (“SM vs KN”), suggesting a greater filtering effect of the KN95 mask compared to the surgical mask. The spectral moments were all significantly altered when the talker wore a KN95 mask compared to the surgical mask (estimates: COG, = –48.734, < 0.001; COG variability, = –159.207, < 0.001; skewness, = 0.473, < 0.001; kurtosis, = 21.234, < 0.001). The effect sizes were overall smaller between the two masks with a medium effect size found for kurtosis and small effect sizes found for COG, COG variability, and skewness. No significant differences were found for intensity ( = 0.09, = 0.328), mid-range frequencies ( = 0.052, = 0.774), or spectral tilt ( = –0.297, = 0.051).
B. Research question 2: Effect of masks and altered speech styles
The results for the 6-in. recording distance are pictured in Figs. 1 and 2 and summarized in Table II. The results for the 2-m distance are reported later in the text and summarized in Table III. The presence of masks demonstrated a systematic, significant effect on all spectral measures compared to not wearing a mask when the speaking condition was held constant. In Tables II and III, the no mask vs mask contrast (“NM vs mask”) captures the overall pooled effect of the two mask types, and thes mask vs KN95 mask contrast (“SM vs KN”) captures the differences between the two types. Both comparisons account for the effects when outcomes for the different speech styles are set to their average values.
(Color online) The acoustic measures of interest by speech style (habitual, clear, and loud) and mask type (no mask, surgical mask, and KN95 mask). The horizontal dashed line reflects the individual participants' baseline (no mask and habitual speech condition).
(Color online) The acoustic measures of interest by speech style (habitual, clear, and loud) and mask type (no mask, surgical mask, and KN95 mask). The horizontal dashed line reflects the individual participants' baseline (no mask and habitual speech condition).
(Color online) The differences in acoustic measures of interest for each individual speaker compared to the baseline (habitual speech without a face mask) by speech style (clear and loud) and mask type (surgical mask and KN95 mask). The red dashed line reflects the group mean.
(Color online) The differences in acoustic measures of interest for each individual speaker compared to the baseline (habitual speech without a face mask) by speech style (clear and loud) and mask type (surgical mask and KN95 mask). The red dashed line reflects the group mean.
The model results for research question 2, showing the effects of masks across habitual, clear, and loud speech styles (6-in. microphone distance). The model estimates for each outcome measure are grouped by fixed effects and interaction terms.
Contrast . | Measure (6-in. distance) . | Estimate . | Standard error . | t . | p . | Effect size parameter . |
(Intercept) | Intensity | 79.688 | 0.922 | 86.417 | <0.001 | 14.956 |
Mid-range | 15.382 | 1.204 | 12.779 | <0.001 | 2.634 | |
Tilt | –14.002 | 0.631 | –22.192 | <0.001 | 3.304 | |
NM vs mask | Intensity | –0.574 | 0.068 | –8.435 | <0.001 | 0.108 |
Mid-range | –0.980 | 0.119 | –8.215 | <0.001 | 0.168 | |
Tilt | –1.192 | 0.075 | –15.897 | <0.001 | 0.281 | |
SM vs KN | Intensity | –0.044 | 0.079 | –0.561 | 0.575 | 0.008 |
Mid-range | –0.172 | 0.139 | –1.238 | 0.216 | 0.029 | |
Tilt | –0.494 | 0.087 | –5.666 | <0.001 | 0.117 | |
Clear vs loud | Intensity | 5.723 | 0.079 | 72.526 | <0.001 | 1.074 |
Mid-range | 7.711 | 0.138 | 55.803 | <0.001 | 1.321 | |
Tilt | 2.986 | 0.411 | 7.272 | <0.001 | 0.705 | |
Clear vs loud:NM vs mask | Intensity | –0.459 | 0.166 | –2.762 | 0.006 | 0.086 |
Mid-range | –0.139 | 0.291 | –0.477 | 0.633 | 0.024 | |
Tilt | 0.194 | 0.183 | 1.059 | 0.29 | 0.046 | |
Clear vs loud:SM vs KN | Intensity | –0.172 | 0.194 | –0.889 | 0.374 | 0.032 |
Mid-range | –0.341 | 0.340 | –1.003 | 0.316 | 0.058 | |
Tilt | –0.379 | 0.214 | –1.772 | 0.076 | 0.089 | |
Habit vs altered | Intensity | 5.284 | 0.539 | 9.798 | <0.001 | 0.992 |
Mid-range | 7.686 | 0.120 | 64.085 | <0.001 | 1.316 | |
Tilt | 3.252 | 0.341 | 9.535 | <0.001 | 0.767 | |
Habit vs altered:NM vs mask | Intensity | 0.072 | 0.145 | 0.496 | 0.62 | 0.013 |
Mid-range | –0.008 | 0.254 | –0.031 | 0.975 | 0.001 | |
Tilt | –0.271 | 0.159 | –1.697 | 0.09 | 0.064 | |
Habit vs altered:SM vs KN | Intensity | –0.201 | 0.168 | –1.197 | 0.231 | 0.038 |
Mid-range | –0.521 | 0.294 | –1.774 | 0.076 | 0.089 | |
Tilt | –0.303 | 0.185 | –1.641 | 0.101 | 0.072 |
Contrast . | Measure (6-in. distance) . | Estimate . | Standard error . | t . | p . | Effect size parameter . |
(Intercept) | Intensity | 79.688 | 0.922 | 86.417 | <0.001 | 14.956 |
Mid-range | 15.382 | 1.204 | 12.779 | <0.001 | 2.634 | |
Tilt | –14.002 | 0.631 | –22.192 | <0.001 | 3.304 | |
NM vs mask | Intensity | –0.574 | 0.068 | –8.435 | <0.001 | 0.108 |
Mid-range | –0.980 | 0.119 | –8.215 | <0.001 | 0.168 | |
Tilt | –1.192 | 0.075 | –15.897 | <0.001 | 0.281 | |
SM vs KN | Intensity | –0.044 | 0.079 | –0.561 | 0.575 | 0.008 |
Mid-range | –0.172 | 0.139 | –1.238 | 0.216 | 0.029 | |
Tilt | –0.494 | 0.087 | –5.666 | <0.001 | 0.117 | |
Clear vs loud | Intensity | 5.723 | 0.079 | 72.526 | <0.001 | 1.074 |
Mid-range | 7.711 | 0.138 | 55.803 | <0.001 | 1.321 | |
Tilt | 2.986 | 0.411 | 7.272 | <0.001 | 0.705 | |
Clear vs loud:NM vs mask | Intensity | –0.459 | 0.166 | –2.762 | 0.006 | 0.086 |
Mid-range | –0.139 | 0.291 | –0.477 | 0.633 | 0.024 | |
Tilt | 0.194 | 0.183 | 1.059 | 0.29 | 0.046 | |
Clear vs loud:SM vs KN | Intensity | –0.172 | 0.194 | –0.889 | 0.374 | 0.032 |
Mid-range | –0.341 | 0.340 | –1.003 | 0.316 | 0.058 | |
Tilt | –0.379 | 0.214 | –1.772 | 0.076 | 0.089 | |
Habit vs altered | Intensity | 5.284 | 0.539 | 9.798 | <0.001 | 0.992 |
Mid-range | 7.686 | 0.120 | 64.085 | <0.001 | 1.316 | |
Tilt | 3.252 | 0.341 | 9.535 | <0.001 | 0.767 | |
Habit vs altered:NM vs mask | Intensity | 0.072 | 0.145 | 0.496 | 0.62 | 0.013 |
Mid-range | –0.008 | 0.254 | –0.031 | 0.975 | 0.001 | |
Tilt | –0.271 | 0.159 | –1.697 | 0.09 | 0.064 | |
Habit vs altered:SM vs KN | Intensity | –0.201 | 0.168 | –1.197 | 0.231 | 0.038 |
Mid-range | –0.521 | 0.294 | –1.774 | 0.076 | 0.089 | |
Tilt | –0.303 | 0.185 | –1.641 | 0.101 | 0.072 |
The model results for research question 2, showing the effects of masks across habitual, clear, and loud speech styles (2-m microphone distance). The model estimates for each outcome measure are grouped by fixed effects and interaction terms.
Contrast . | Measure (2-m distance) . | Estimate . | Standard error . | t . | p . | Effect size parameter . |
(Intercept) | Intensity | 60.968 | 0.749 | 81.397 | <0.001 | 13.755 |
Mid-range | –6.013 | 1.175 | –5.119 | <0.001 | 0.868 | |
Tilt | –16.232 | 0.709 | –22.882 | <0.001 | 4.091 | |
NM vs mask | Intensity | –0.414 | 0.062 | –6.659 | <0.001 | 0.093 |
Mid-range | –1.038 | 0.108 | –9.650 | <0.001 | 0.150 | |
Tilt | –2.158 | 0.079 | –27.388 | <0.001 | 0.544 | |
SM vs KN | Intensity | 0.157 | 0.072 | 2.167 | 0.03 | 0.035 |
Mid-range | –0.240 | 0.125 | –1.919 | 0.055 | 0.035 | |
Tilt | –0.930 | 0.092 | –10.149 | <0.001 | 0.234 | |
Clear vs loud | Intensity | 5.743 | 0.072 | 79.600 | <0.001 | 1.296 |
Mid-range | 7.768 | 0.125 | 62.300 | <0.001 | 1.122 | |
Tilt | 2.866 | 0.091 | 31.387 | <0.001 | 0.722 | |
Clear vs loud:NM vs mask | Intensity | –0.310 | 0.152 | –2.043 | 0.041 | 0.070 |
Mid-range | 0.036 | 0.263 | 0.138 | 0.89 | 0.005 | |
Tilt | 0.106 | 0.192 | 0.553 | 0.58 | 0.027 | |
Clear vs loud:SM vs KN | Intensity | –0.088 | 0.177 | –0.496 | 0.62 | 0.020 |
Mid-range | –0.201 | 0.307 | –0.654 | 0.513 | 0.029 | |
Tilt | –0.237 | 0.225 | –1.056 | 0.291 | 0.060 | |
Habit vs altered | Intensity | 5.237 | 0.472 | 11.090 | <0.001 | 1.181 |
Mid-range | 7.974 | 0.683 | 11.675 | <0.001 | 1.152 | |
Tilt | 3.316 | 0.342 | 9.706 | <0.001 | 0.836 | |
Habit vs altered:NM vs mask | Intensity | –0.062 | 0.132 | –0.469 | 0.639 | 0.014 |
Mid-range | –0.032 | 0.229 | –0.140 | 0.888 | 0.005 | |
Tilt | –0.148 | 0.168 | –0.882 | 0.378 | 0.037 | |
Habit vs altered:SM vs KN | Intensity | 0.093 | 0.153 | 0.608 | 0.543 | 0.021 |
Mid-range | 0.128 | 0.265 | 0.484 | 0.628 | 0.019 | |
Tilt | –0.019 | 0.194 | –0.097 | 0.923 | 0.005 |
Contrast . | Measure (2-m distance) . | Estimate . | Standard error . | t . | p . | Effect size parameter . |
(Intercept) | Intensity | 60.968 | 0.749 | 81.397 | <0.001 | 13.755 |
Mid-range | –6.013 | 1.175 | –5.119 | <0.001 | 0.868 | |
Tilt | –16.232 | 0.709 | –22.882 | <0.001 | 4.091 | |
NM vs mask | Intensity | –0.414 | 0.062 | –6.659 | <0.001 | 0.093 |
Mid-range | –1.038 | 0.108 | –9.650 | <0.001 | 0.150 | |
Tilt | –2.158 | 0.079 | –27.388 | <0.001 | 0.544 | |
SM vs KN | Intensity | 0.157 | 0.072 | 2.167 | 0.03 | 0.035 |
Mid-range | –0.240 | 0.125 | –1.919 | 0.055 | 0.035 | |
Tilt | –0.930 | 0.092 | –10.149 | <0.001 | 0.234 | |
Clear vs loud | Intensity | 5.743 | 0.072 | 79.600 | <0.001 | 1.296 |
Mid-range | 7.768 | 0.125 | 62.300 | <0.001 | 1.122 | |
Tilt | 2.866 | 0.091 | 31.387 | <0.001 | 0.722 | |
Clear vs loud:NM vs mask | Intensity | –0.310 | 0.152 | –2.043 | 0.041 | 0.070 |
Mid-range | 0.036 | 0.263 | 0.138 | 0.89 | 0.005 | |
Tilt | 0.106 | 0.192 | 0.553 | 0.58 | 0.027 | |
Clear vs loud:SM vs KN | Intensity | –0.088 | 0.177 | –0.496 | 0.62 | 0.020 |
Mid-range | –0.201 | 0.307 | –0.654 | 0.513 | 0.029 | |
Tilt | –0.237 | 0.225 | –1.056 | 0.291 | 0.060 | |
Habit vs altered | Intensity | 5.237 | 0.472 | 11.090 | <0.001 | 1.181 |
Mid-range | 7.974 | 0.683 | 11.675 | <0.001 | 1.152 | |
Tilt | 3.316 | 0.342 | 9.706 | <0.001 | 0.836 | |
Habit vs altered:NM vs mask | Intensity | –0.062 | 0.132 | –0.469 | 0.639 | 0.014 |
Mid-range | –0.032 | 0.229 | –0.140 | 0.888 | 0.005 | |
Tilt | –0.148 | 0.168 | –0.882 | 0.378 | 0.037 | |
Habit vs altered:SM vs KN | Intensity | 0.093 | 0.153 | 0.608 | 0.543 | 0.021 |
Mid-range | 0.128 | 0.265 | 0.484 | 0.628 | 0.019 | |
Tilt | –0.019 | 0.194 | –0.097 | 0.923 | 0.005 |
To reiterate, three of the outcome measures from research question 1 were used in the models to address research question 2: mid-range frequency energy (1–3 kHz), spectral tilt, and speech intensity. All three of the measures were found to be sensitive to the speaking style and presence and type of face mask ( < 0.001 for all main effects of style and mask across all three of the models). Overall, the patterns observed across the altered speech styles mirrored those of habitual speech. A significant main effect of mask was found for all three of the measures, that is, when all speech styles were held at their average values. Masks, compared to no mask, were associated with less energy in mid-range frequencies ( = −0.98, < 0.001), lower (more negative) spectral tilt ( = −1.192, < 0.001), and lower speech intensity ( = −0.574, < 0.001). Masks, compared to no mask, were associated with less energy in mid-range frequencies and lower (more negative) spectral tilt. Changes in spectral tilt showed a medium effect size while the effects for speech intensity and mid-range frequency energy were negligible. Even with the two altered speech styles held at their average values, the intensity differences for the masks were on the order of 0.5 dB SPL. Compared to the KN95 mask, the surgical mask was associated with flatter tilt ( = –0.494, < 0.001, negligible effect size) but did not significantly differ for mid-range frequencies ( = –0.172, = 0.216) or speech intensity ( = –0.044, = 0.575).
Compared to habitual speech, clear and loud speech together were associated with higher intensity ( = 5.284, < 0.001), greater mid-range frequency energy ( = 7.686, < 0.001), and flatter spectral tilt ( = 3.252, < 0.001), all of which constituted large effects. Loud speech, compared to clear speech, demonstrated this same pattern and was reflected by large effect sizes for all of the outcomes (intensity, = 5.723, < 0.001; mid-range frequencies, = 7.711, < 0.001; spectral tilt, = 2.986, < 0.001). No significant mask-by-speech-style interactions were found for any of the measures with the exception of speech intensity. For the spectral measures, this indicates that the general effects of the masks persisted across the three speaking styles. A two-way interaction ( = 0.006, negligible effect size) for intensity was found for the clear vs loud and no mask vs mask comparisons on the order of <0.5 dB SPL ( = –0.459, = 0.006). Further visual inspection of the data revealed that in loud speech, talkers produced greater speech intensity without a mask than with one, but in clear speech, the differences between masked and unmasked speech intensity were much smaller.
C. Effect of microphone distance
Lower values were found for speech intensity, mid-range frequency energy, and spectral tilt at the 2-m compared to at the 6-in. recording distance. This is reflected in the intercept values (value when all fixed effects are held at their constant value) in Table III. The patterns of the effects of masks and speaking style, however, were very similar to those identified at the 6-in. distance with some minor differences. Specifically, effect sizes for the mask comparisons were larger for spectral tilt but not for mid-range frequencies, although the overall pattern of results did not change for either outcome. As can be seen in Fig. 3, this is reflected by a steeper drop in spectral tilt across the masks in the 2-m distance. Higher speech intensity in surgical vs KN95 masks was found, and this was established to be significant at < 0.05 in the 2-m distance model. However, effect sizes remained negligible in this model and reflected a difference of <0.2 dB SPL ( = 0.157, = 0.03).
(Color online) The differences in acoustic outcomes by recording distance (6 in., 2 m), speech style (habitual, clear, and loud), and mask type (no mask, surgical mask, and KN95 mask). The points represent mean values aggregated over the speaker means. The error bars represent the standard errors.
(Color online) The differences in acoustic outcomes by recording distance (6 in., 2 m), speech style (habitual, clear, and loud), and mask type (no mask, surgical mask, and KN95 mask). The points represent mean values aggregated over the speaker means. The error bars represent the standard errors.
Consistent with previous literature, the face masks in this study provided further evidence of a low-pass filtering effect of masks, demonstrated by a systematic effect of masks on spectral density and tilt characteristics. The magnitude of this effect was greater for the KN95 mask compared to the surgical mask. The overall pattern of the masks on speech acoustics was preserved across all three of the speaking styles. However, as predicted, speaking clearly and/or loudly resulted in increased spectral tilt measures, which had the effect of amplifying the mid-range to high frequencies that were attenuated by the masks. In other words, while wearing a mask was consistently found to filter out higher frequency components of the speech signal, regardless of the style in which speech is spoken, speaking loudly or clearly while wearing a mask was found to compensate for this filtering effect compared to speaking in a conversational style with a mask.
Averaged across all of the speech conditions, there was a systematic, predictable effect of masks on spectral acoustics. Compared to speech without a mask, masks were associated with significantly steeper spectral tilt and, to a lesser extent, lower energy in mid-range frequencies and a small reduction in speech intensity. This is consistent with previous findings of spectral tilt (Nguyen et al., 2021). The present study also found medium to large effects of the masks on the center of gravity and center of gravity variability. This is inconsistent with the findings of Maryn et al. (2021), who reported no significant effects of masks on these spectral moments of prerecorded vowel prolongations. The differences in this study could be attributable to the speech stimuli; the spectral moments of the LTAS of connected speech samples may be more sensitive to capturing the filtering effects of masks. This study also included the speech of live talkers, rather than prerecorded speakers, who could be making additional compensatory or maladaptive changes in response to wearing a mask.
Averaged across all mask conditions, loud, followed by clear speech, had the opposite effect of the masks: significant flattening of spectral tilt, greater energy in mid-range frequencies, and increased speech intensity. These patterns of altered speech styles persisted across the different mask conditions for the acoustic measures of interest, captured by an absence of two-way interactions between mask and speaking style conditions. The observed interactions reflected differences in the magnitude of change across the masks rather than a difference in the general direction of the results. For example, no significant two-way mask-style interactions were found for spectral tilt. A two-way interaction was observed for COG for the habitual vs altered contrast and the no mask vs mask contrast. In Fig. 1, this is evident as a greater difference for the two face masks in loud speech. The general pattern, however, is maintained. Loud speech, rather than clear speech, was associated with the greatest change (flatter tilt, higher COG, lower skewness and kurtosis). In essence, the removal (or absence) of a face mask had the same overall pattern of effects on spectral density characteristics of speech as did speaking more loudly or clearly. The effect sizes, however, were much larger for altered speech styles compared to the presence or absence of a face mask.
A secondary finding of this research was that while greater distance was predictably associated with lower speech intensity, spectral tilt, and mid-range frequency energy, the pattern of effects was preserved across masks and speech styles. The larger effects, however, were observed for spectral tilt, which likely represents greater acoustic attenuation at greater distances. This is consistent with previous research reporting greater attenuation from masks recorded at a 6-ft compared to 3-f distance, on the order of 5 dB between 2 and 8 kHz (Atcherson et al., 2021). Compared to no mask, Atcherson et al. (2021) reported only a 1–2 dB attenuation at a greater distance though, which is consistent with the results of the present study: The pattern holds with only a slight increase in the magnitude of effects for spectral tilt. The degree to which this increased distance and subsequent signal attenuation in combination with masks affects a listeners' ability to understand the speech remains an open question.
While perceptual outcomes were not included in the present study, findings may help identify causal relationships between speech acoustics and auditory-perceptual consequences of speech produced in masks. Gutz et al. (2021) found that while both of the loud and clear speech styles were associated with increases in automatic speech recognition accuracy for talkers wearing KN95 masks, larger effects were observed for clear speech. Clear speech in masks was also associated with larger increases in vowel space, which is consistent with previous studies of clear speaking characteristics (Tjaden et al., 2013a). That is, while loud compared to clear speech is associated with greater increases in mid-range frequencies and spectral tilt, which are attenuated by the face masks, it may be the case that other segmental adjustments unrelated to the filtering effects of the masks are still responsible for maximizing intelligibility in masks.
Attenuation from masks may also simply make it more difficult for listeners to comprehend or recall what they are hearing because they have to expend more effort to understand a degraded signal (Brown et al., 2021; Truong et al., 2021). The attenuation imposed by masks may impact segmental speech perception. Previous research has shown that face coverings do impact consonant perception, although in ideal listening conditions, this effect tends to be small, especially for surgical masks (Fecher and Watt, 2013; Llamas et al., 2008). Clear and loud speech have been shown to increase consonant and vowel distinctiveness for healthy talkers and talkers with dysarthria (Tjaden et al., 2013a; Tjaden and Martel-Sauvageau, 2017). An open question remains as to whether these acoustic alterations aid in improved intelligibility at the word and/or phoneme level when talkers don masks and whether these relationships persist for degraded listening conditions, such as the presence of background noise, or for talkers with speech disorders.
In conclusion, this study provided further evidence of the damping effect of face masks on speech. Speaking more loudly, followed by more clearly, enhances spectral characteristics of speech that are degraded by the presence of face masks. The findings may have implications for talkers with degraded voice quality due to disordered speech or voice production. The results from the present study will inform future research regarding potential underlying causes of changes in perceptual speech outcomes as a result of wearing masks.
Brysbaert and Stevens (2018) caution that the approach proposed by Westfall et al. (2014), which is designed for simple mixed effects model structures, may provide inflated measures of effect sizes and may not be directly comparable to classic Cohen's d. In their paper, Westfall et al. (2014) suggest that this approach in theory could be applied to more complex model designs, but acknowledge that this remains an open issue.