We train an object detector built from convolutional neural networks to count interference fringes in elliptical antinode regions in frames of high-speed video recordings of transient oscillations in Caribbean steelpan drums, illuminated by electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI). The annotations provided by our model aim to contribute to the understanding of time-dependent behavior in such drums by tracking the development of sympathetic vibration modes. The system is trained on a dataset of crowdsourced human-annotated images obtained from the Zooniverse Steelpan Vibrations Project. Due to the small number of human-annotated images and the ambiguity of the annotation task, we also evaluate the model on a large corpus of synthetic images whereby the properties have been matched to the real images by style transfer using a Generative Adversarial Network. Applying the model to thousands of unlabeled video frames, we measure oscillations consistent with audio recordings of these drum strikes. One unanticipated result is that sympathetic oscillations of higher-octave notes significantly precede the rise in sound intensity of the corresponding second harmonic tones; the mechanism responsible for this remains unidentified. This paper primarily concerns the development of the predictive model; further exploration of the steelpan images and deeper physical insights await its further application.
Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry (ESPI) has proven to be an effective technique for musical acoustics research. ESPI provides a means for the measurement and visualization of vibrating plates and membranes making up musical instruments such as violins, guitars, drums, and others.1,2 ESPI offers the capability of making amplitude measurements for small vibrations; time-averaged ESPI produces images with light and dark fringes, which are lines of constant surface deformation proportional to the wavelength of the laser light. These images are similar to Chladni patterns in that they reveal the mode shapes of vibrating surfaces (although typically, Chladni patterns are used to reveal standing wave patterns, whereas the images in the present paper are of transient phenomena). While lacking the full spatial resolution of traditional film-based laser holography images,3 the relatively low cost and ease of setup make ESPI a popular choice for researchers and educators.4
High-speed video of ESPI images has been used in the case of Caribbean steelpan drums.5 The steelpan drum is a membranophone that originated in Trinidad and Tobago. Instrument-makers repurposed steel oil drums,6 stretching the steel into a concave surface and dividing it into a set of flattened, tuned subdomains often referred to simply as “notes.” It is played using straight sticks tipped with rubber. When a particular note is struck, waves emanate from the point of impact. At the boundary for the note, some of the wave energy is reflected and sets up standing waves,7 while the remainder propagates throughout the full steelpan domain and triggers sympathetic vibrations among the other notes. An accurate characterization of the sympathetic vibration time evolution has yet to be realized.8,9 A fundamental question is how much of the sound of the drum is due to nontrivial time-dependent behavior of the drum notes (as opposed to steady-state resonant modes).
To better understand the full dynamics at work in the steelpan, high-speed ESPI images merit closer, quantitative measurements, and yet the enormous quantity of frames recorded poses a burden on researchers to properly annotate and catalog what is seen in the images. Thus, the “Steelpan Vibrations Project” (SVP)10 was formed in partnership with the Zooniverse.org11 platform for crowdsourced data analysis. Zooniverse arose in the context of large-scale sky surveys of galaxies, relying on human volunteers from around the world to use a World Wide Web interface to annotate the images and classify the galaxies seen in the images.12 The specific nature of the annotation used in the SVP will be described in Sec. II A. As the SVP progressed, it became apparent that an insufficient number of volunteers were contributing to the project, such that progress in annotating the large dataset of images was slow. In addition, because of the variation in human annotators' work, having multiple volunteers' annotations of the same image was deemed necessary,13 further slowing the progress of using these annotations to understand the dynamics of the steelpan. Thus, the use of automated annotation methods merited exploration.
While traditional methods of ellipse detection, such as the Elliptical Hough Transform14 can be effective for smooth, well-defined ellipse features, the noisy and highly variable nature of the ellipse regions in SVP images, combined with the additional task of counting the rings per antinode, make the Elliptical Hough Transform a poor fit for this task. There are adaptions to account for incomplete shapes and noise;15,16 however, the presence of labels via the SVP made us interested in a machine-learning approach. Thus, we sought to adapt methods of neural network–object detection models to our unique use case.
The success of machine-learning systems at extending the image-annotation efforts of humans has been demonstrated in a variety of domains—notably, image-classification challenges involving the recognition of handwritten numerical digits17 and images of various animals and vehicles.18,19 The task of localizing and classifying portions of images is known as “object detection;”20 typical uses include surveillance systems and satellite imagery analysis21 as well as astronomy applications22 such as galaxy classification.23
Multiple algorithms exist for object detection, and among the most popular and successful in recent years24–26 are those that rely on convolutional neural networks (CNN) that reduce each image into a (large) set of learned features. These features are then fed into a fully-connected layer to predict locations of objects and their classifications. The scheme used for SPNet is inspired by that of YOLOv2,27 but uses one of a variety of “stock” CNN base models, along with a few important modifications specific to the domain of ESPI imagery of steelpan drums, and the annotation task of the SVP, as follows: Most object detectors operate on color images of everyday objects, animals, and people found in datasets such as ImageNet,28 whereas the SVP task required the resolution of constantly changing patterns in grainy, grayscale images. Most object detectors provide classifications of their objects, whereas the SVP task required regression to “count” interference fringes. While CNNs are known to perform well at detecting and classifying textures29,30 or for counting numbers of objects or people,31 their use to “count” rings (or, phrased more carefully, to discover correlations between image patterns and ring counts) which may have similar “texture” but different spatial extents, was not an application that we observed to have received widespread attention. Most object detectors make location predictions for rectangular regions of images, whereas the SVP required tracking antinodes within elliptical regions. When we began work in 2017, elliptical object detectors were not in widespread use; however, while preparing this paper, a classifier for wood knots was published32 which uses a different scheme from what we present here.
The paper is organized as follows: Sec. II presents details of the SPNet algorithm and training. Section III presents some performance metrics, Section IV presents preliminary physics results, and Sec V provides a discussion of these results. A separate paper discussing these and further physics results is in preparation.
For the purpose of reproducibility, the SPNet computer code is available at https://github.com/drscotthawley/spnet, and two of the datasets used have been released on Zenodo.33
A. The Steelpan Vibrations Project (SVP)
Volunteers recruited for the SVP are presented with randomly selected frames from high-speed videos, such as the grayscale image shown in Fig. 1(a), and are tasked with using a web interface to place elliptical boundaries around the antinode regions (as shown in green), along with counting the number of interference fringes or “rings” for each antinode. Multiple videos for different steelpan-strikes are available, which show different regions of the (same) steelpan being excited.
The frames that are included in the SVP are taken from an ESPI optical arrangement and were captured by a high-speed camera and processed by image subtraction of a reference frame from individual video frames after the drum has been struck. The drum was struck on the back side of the note such that the front side of the note would be unobstructed to the camera's view. The drum was struck with a metal ball driver held by hand at amplitudes well below the typical playing conditions. The vibration amplitudes must be small to be able to be seen clearly in the ESPI frames.
For the SVP classification task, organizers required that at least 15 people supply annotations for a given video frame (image) before it could be analysed for clustering13 and then for each antinode in a frame, at least five annotations would be needed. For example, for an image with three antinodes, ideally there would be 45 annotations, which were grouped via cluster in X and Y directions. If a volunteer's suggestion was too far from the average (e.g., their mouse slipped) then it was not considered. Then, averages were performed over the ellipse parameters and number of fringes; these averages were written to a file, which comprised the “raw” or “ground truth” data for training the SPNet model. As indicated in Fig. 2, from frame-to-frame, some antinode regions will appear or disappear. Beyond variability among volunteers, it can be very much a “human judgement call” as to whether a given ring-shape should be marked as an antinode or not; volunteers were exposed to one frame at a time rather than viewing video. Even with the benefit of viewing multiple frames, to the authors of this paper (who may be considered to provide an “above-average” level of consistency as annotators), it is not always clear–especially immediately after a strike–which shapes to mark as antinodes. Furthermore, often the struck note would exhibit a “twin aninode” structure resulting from its excited 2nd harmonic, in which case annotators may have drawn an ellipse around the whole note or drawn two ellipses around the two (alternating) sections of the note. This is perhaps at variance with the experience of many machine-learning enthusiasts who are accustomed to working with very clean datasets and/or well-defined tasks. To better clarify the difficulty of performing the task with consistency, we invite readers to visit the SVP website10 and try annotating several images themselves. Continuing our example from above, if 11 of the 15 people missed one of the three antinodes, then it would be rejected and not included in the dataset at all for that frame.
Regarding the variability in volunteers' ring counts: When we compute the standard deviations of volunteers' ring counts of each antinode and average over all antinodes, we find a value of 1.7. This is considerably wider than the ±0.5 used for scoring the SPNet model's accuracy, below. For a standard deviation of 1.7, the area under a normal probability distribution within ±0.5 of the mean is approximately 0.23, which implies a typical volunteer's ring-count accuracy metric for comparison with SPNet would be 23%.
The task of SPNet is to match (average) human performance from the SVP for the frames available, as well as to “fill in” the missing annotations for frames in-between those already annotated by volunteers. The specificity of this goal will affect the design of the training, discussed in Sec. II D—the design goal of “filling in” missing frames means that the trained SPNet model is not intended to serve as a generic “deployable” inference model for general ESPI images that differ qualitatively from those in the SVP dataset. Questions regarding the ability of the SPNet model to generalize to other ESPI images, such as those of guitars are addressed in Sec. V.
B. Model architecture
The overall strategy of SPNet is inspired by YOLOv2,27 but the model differs in that we use one of several pre-defined “stock” multi-layered CNN architectures for the main convolutional network, such as MobileNet,35 InceptionResnetV2,36 or Xception.34 The ability to easily swap in various predefined CNN base models is made possible via the Keras neural network framework.37 These models can be initialized using random weights or weights pre-trained on Imagenet.38 Our experience indicates that the Xception34 provides a good base model yielding high accuracy, stable training, and reasonable execution time. (MobileNet, although faster, was not as accurate, whereas InceptionResNetV2 proved both slower and more difficult to train consistently.) These base models typically expect square-shaped image inputs with three color channels, and large input images can result in networks with so many tunable parameters (weights) that their memory requirements exceed the capacities of single computer workstations. In order to supply input images compatible with available pre-trained base model architectures, while keeping memory requirements manageable, we first resize our 512 × 384 grayscale input images to a square size of 331 × 331. Even this proves to be unnecessarily and prohibitively memory-intensive, so we shrink this by a factor of two using “average pooling,” and then “tile” (i.e., repeat or broadcast) the grayscale channel to form three identical “color” channels—this is the lower path shown in Fig. 3. Doing this alone, however, could result in some loss in fine detail, so we combine the lower path with the result of the “upper path,” consisting of multiple 3 × 3 convolutions yielding three filter channels, in concert with a pooling operation for size reduction. Adding these two paths forms a “residual block”19 for which the lower (pool-tile) path is a skip connection. The skip connection allows the model to train faster than without it by smoothing the hypersurface of the loss function,39 and the upper (conv-pool-conv-conv) path allows the model to better resolve fine features from the larger (331 × 331) image before reducing it in size to feed into the base model. The pre-processing layers (before the base model) include Leaky ReLU activations and batch normalization. We also add a small amount (0.1) of dropout40 before the base model to help avoid overfitting.
The output of the base model is fully connected to a “flattened” layer whose elements are taken to represent a “grid” of outputs we refer to as “predictors” which predict attributes of relevant antinodes for each subdomain of the image covered by the predictor. Each predictor predicts 8 values shown in Table I: , where these values are defined relative to the subdomain associated with each predictor, i.e., within each “grid cell,” according to Table I. The “existence” variable p measures the distinction between the background and an object. The values of x, y, a and b are normalized relative to the size of the image, and x and y are offsets from the center of each respective grid point. Instead of the ellipse rotation angle θ, we use the two variables and which have the dual advantages of avoiding any coordinate discontinuity at θ = 0 as well as ensuring uniqueness given the rotational symmetry of the ellipses.41 These variables are later used in training by optimizing the loss function, which appears in Sec. II D 1 as Eq. (1).
p: | the probability of an antinode's existence within the grid cell, |
x, y: | coordinates of the offset of the antinode's centroid relative to the grid cell's center on the image |
a, b: | the ellipse's semimajor and semiminor axes |
c, s: | and , where θ is the ellipse orientation angle |
r: | the number of rings (i.e., interference fringes) |
p: | the probability of an antinode's existence within the grid cell, |
x, y: | coordinates of the offset of the antinode's centroid relative to the grid cell's center on the image |
a, b: | the ellipse's semimajor and semiminor axes |
c, s: | and , where θ is the ellipse orientation angle |
r: | the number of rings (i.e., interference fringes) |
C. Datasets
Table II summarizes the datasets used in this study. Early in this project, there were insufficient numbers of (aggregated) volunteer-annotated images, so in order to develop and test the model, we procedurally generated a large (50 000 image) corpus of random “fake” images that combine these salient features: groups of elliptical rings of varying sizes, orientations, eccentricities, on a background of wavy patterns, with noise. (We prefer the word “fake” over the more formal “synthetic” to avoid any confusion– these images are akin to “artwork” and have no physical basis). Shown in the upper pane of Fig. 4 is an example of the fake data comprising the FakeLarge dataset, along with superimposed “exact” annotations (upper values, light yellow) and SPNet predictions (lower values, dark purple.) The fake images in FakeLarge are quite different from the Real data in that the former have sharp edges and lack the variations in brightness, contrast, blurriness, and lost pixels observed in the latter.
Label . | Description . |
FakeLarge | Fake, 50 000 images |
Real | Real data, 1200 images |
FakeSmall | 1200-image subset of FakeLarge |
CGLarge | CycleGAN-processed FakeLarge |
CGSmall | 1200-image subset of CGLarge |
Label . | Description . |
FakeLarge | Fake, 50 000 images |
Real | Real data, 1200 images |
FakeSmall | 1200-image subset of FakeLarge |
CGLarge | CycleGAN-processed FakeLarge |
CGSmall | 1200-image subset of CGLarge |
Additional datasets were created after it was observed that the model's performance when training on the FakeLarge dataset (e.g., Figure 5) was much better than when the Real dataset was used. Questions about the cause of this discrepancy in performance between datasets included:
Was it because there was more data in FakeLarge than Real?
Was it because antinode boundaries and rings were much clearer in FakeLarge images than in Real?
Was it because the annotations in FakeLarge were exact, whereas the annotations in Real were highly variable, i.e., similar-looking images in Real often had very different annotations (thus “confusing” the ML system as it trained), and/or causing it to rate low scores on evaluations metrics like “Accuracy”?
To explore the first question, we created the FakeSmall dataset and found that dataset size was not a major factor. To answer question 2, we matched the visual properties of the real data (i.e., the statistics of the pixels in the images) while still retaining “exact” annotations against which to evaluate the model, by training a CycleGAN42 model to do neural style transfer, applying the style of real images to those in FakeLarge. These results were termed CGLarge, one example of which is shown in the lower pane of Fig. 4. We also created a corresponding smaller set termed CGSmall. The implications of this being that the difference in performance between CGSmall and Real would provide a measure of the degradation in model performance due to the inconsistency in the volunteers' aggregated annotations in Real. As you will see below in Fig. 5 and Table III, the difference is significant.
1. Data preparation
We obtained a set of aggregated data from multiple volunteers' annotation attempts;13 although the users' ring counts were entered as integers, the aggregation process produces decimal ring counts. The main data preparation work for SPNet lies in taking the aggregated SVP data and setting up the correct vector of target values Y for all grid cells, for all images, in a way that would be unambiguous and thereby “easiest” for the system to learn.
First, we initialize all predictors to indicate no existence, i.e., p = 0, and for all other variables to be set in the middle of their respective (normalized) ranges. Then, for each set of annotations (for each image), also called “metadata,” we sort the antinodes by their centroid locations, first vertically and then horizontally, then compute to which grid cell each antinode “belongs”. For the first of the two predictors in that cell, we set e = 1, compute x and y as the difference between the antinode's centroid coordinates and the center of the grid cell, divided by the width of the grid cell to keep the values normalized on –0.5…0.5. It is possible that the Zooniverse interface allowed for a < b and/or for a given rotation angle θ that may not be bounded within a range; so, for definiteness, we swap a and b for any data in order to enforce a > b, subtracting in the process. After this, we compute and to enforce the twofold rotational symmetry of the ellipses as well as avoid any ambiguities with positive or negative angles, or coordinate singularities at θ = 0. This process is repeated, with the second predictor in a cell being used if there has already been an antinode found in a given grid cell. (For more intricate patterns of antinodes, more predictors per cell, and or a more finely grained grid of predictors could be used. The choice of was found to be adequate for the SVP data.) Having set up all the target or “true” output data Y for the grid of predictors to be trained against, it is possible to begin computing a loss function. First, however, it is necessary to augment the input data to improve the generalization performance of the model.
2. Data augmentation
Augmenting the Training set is a common regularization technique used during the training of machine-learning systems to increase the variance of a dataset and thus make a trained model more robust, i.e., to improve its generalization performance when operating on new images. It is crucial in relatively small datasets, such as the images obtained from the SVP. We perform augmentations at two different stages.
The first stage consists of preprocessing augmentations that (randomly) change both the images and annotations together–rotations (), translations (±40 pixels), and reflections–as well as some image processing, such as noise or blurring.
The second set of augmentations is performed “on the fly” at the start of each training epoch, on all input images from the first stage, and consists of random changes to the images only without altering the annotations,43 such as blurring, adding noise, and “cutout”44 (i.e., excising multiple rectangular subdomains), or changes to brightness or contrast. The on-the-fly augmentations applied once per epoch for 100 epochs to 40 000 training images from each dataset (after the first set of augmentations) mean that during training, the model is trained on approximately 4 × 106 different images for each dataset.
D. Training procedure
1. Loss function
Training is structured as a supervised regression problem using mean squared error (MSE) loss for all variables, subject to a few caveats as follows. For compactness, we use the symbol to denote the squared error for a variable , so e.g., , with predicted values denoted by “hats.” In this notation, we define the loss function Lj for each grid-based predictor j, weighted by the ground truth existence p (=0 or 1) of an antinode in each region, with constant scaling factors λu (tuned by experience so that the terms in the sum are all comparable in magnitude) to be given by:
The total loss is then the mean over all predictors j, with being the total number of predictors in the output grid. The term in brackets in Eq. (1) is scaled by the ground truth object existence probability p (= 0 or 1), because without existence, all other quantities have no ground truth values. The use of the squared difference to scale the contribution due to the angle reflects the intention that, the more circular an ellipse is, the less its angular orientation should matter.
[Replacing the first term in the loss Eq. (1) with a cross-entropy term, i.e., was found to confer no appreciable improvement to the results.]
2. Model Initialization
Although it is possible to initialize the base model supplied by Keras using weights pre-trained on ImageNet, the different nature of our images (grainy grayscale ESPI rather than color images of common objects, animals, vehicles, etc.) and our intended output type (regression rather classification) made these pre-trained weights of little utility, and no better than random initialization. Thus, we train all model layers from random initial weights.
The purpose of the SPNet model is to help with SVP annotations with the goal of obtaining physical insight into the motion of drums, not to lay claim to “state-of-the-art” status in object detection nor win a Kaggle competition, nor to provide a general utility for generic interference measurements, nor to offer real-time computational efficiency. Nevertheless, it is important for a method such as ours to yield reliable results in a timely manner, and for this reason, we provide measurements of training progress and accuracy scores. Sample graphs for training progress in terms of loss (component) values and accuracies are shown in Fig. 5. We typically trained for 100 epochs using an Adam optimizer and “1-cycle” learning rate schedule48,49 with cosine annealing,50 using a maximum learning rate of . These runs would take 8 h on a machine fitted with an RTX 2080Ti GPU (Santa Clara, CA).
Object detection models are usually evaluated in terms of classification and localization. Given that our task is one of regression rather than classification, many object detection metrics do not apply directly. However, we emulate the task of an individual human in the SVP (who provided integer values for ring counts up to 11—in which each integer could be regarded as a class), by considering whether the model's prediction is within ±0.5 of the ground truth value.51 Using this, we produce a “ring count accuracy” metric, as follows: We take the number of matching ring counts between ground truth and predictions and divide it by the total number of ground truth objects (antinodes) in the Validation dataset. For example, 168 matching ring counts out of 482 ground truth objects would yield an accuracy score of 35%. For comparison, we noted in Sec. II A that the standard deviation of individual human volunteers contributing to the aggregated ground truth data imply that a typical volunteer subjected to a similar metric would score a ring count accuracy of 23%.
For an additional metric that applies only to antinode object detection and not ring counts, we compare the aggregated responses by human users in the SVP to the model predictions, according to the following metrics: precision (i.e., number of true object detections divided by the total number of objects predicted by the model), recall (i.e., true object detections divided by the total number of objects in the aggregated human data), and intersection-over-union score (IoU), i.e., the fraction of area overlap between predicted ellipses and their ground truth counterparts. These can be combined into a single metric known, as the mean average precision (mAP),52 which has been averaged over a set of multiple detection thresholds (i.e., this mAP is comparable to the “COCO mAP”53 with the single category of foreground-versus-background detection). These scores are listed in Table III. As a baseline comparison, the Real dataset was converted to rectangular bounding boxes and processed using the object-detection package IceVision,54 yielding similar mAP scores of 0.62 and 0.63 using IceVision's Resnet50 and YoloV5 models, respectively.55
Dataset . | Accuracy . | mAP . |
FakeLarge | 0.95 | 0.97 |
Real | 0.35 | 0.67 |
FakeSmall | 0.94 | 0.95 |
CGLarge | 0.89 | 0.89 |
CGSmall | 0.77 | 0.78 |
Dataset . | Accuracy . | mAP . |
FakeLarge | 0.95 | 0.97 |
Real | 0.35 | 0.67 |
FakeSmall | 0.94 | 0.95 |
CGLarge | 0.89 | 0.89 |
CGSmall | 0.77 | 0.78 |
We attribute the low accuracy on the Real dataset to the inconsistency of human annotations, rather than the size of the training corpus, because scores for CGSmall (which has a similar number of images with similar features but consistent annotations) are significantly higher. The difference between results for the two datasets becomes even more striking when one considers that the Real data has less variability in images compared to CGSmall, because for the former, the antinodes in a given video clip stay in only a finite number of places, and the nature of “filling in” missing annotations between frames implies that images randomly allocated among the Training and Validation sets will contain many near-duplicates–in other words, for the Real data, one might expect artificially high scores due to “cheating.” In contrast, in CGSmall, the antinodes are distributed randomly everywhere, thus making it more difficult for the model to memorize their existence, locations, and sizes. Furthermore, increasing the Training set when scoring against the Validation set for the Real dataset, for example, by combining the Training portions of CGLarge and Real, confers no noticeable change in the evaluation scores, because again, the evaluation data for Real is highly variable. Even after “data cleaning” by the authors' manually editing the annotations for all 1200 images in Real, there was no uniform consistency, as the annotation involves many “judgment calls” of whether an antinode is present, and if so, how many rings should be counted. Future annotation efforts may benefit from using more than one frame at a time, such as viewing the stack of frames as a 3D volume and annotating via the kinds of software used in medical imaging and segmentation. Greater refinement of the model architecture and hyperparameter tuning would likely produce increases in the already-high evaluation scores on the synthetic datasets (FakeLarge through CGSmall); however, the limiting factor of the variability in the Real dataset's annotations implies that continued revision of the model would have little effect on the metrics for the Real data, from which we wish to extract measurements of physical phenomena. We anticipate that through additional cleaning of the dataset (i.e., improving the consistency of the annotations), that the accuracy score will rise accordingly.
Given the difficulty in scoring the model's accuracy on real data, a concern arises about whether attempts to extract physics from the model's annotations are sufficiently warranted. While this concern merits further study, two additional consistency checks give us reasons for optimism. First, curve fits of the model's time-series predictions of ring counts for octave notes yield close agreement with the known frequencies of those notes, such as a fit of 660 Hz obtained for the ring counts of the octave note when E4 ( Hz) is struck, and a fit of 596 Hz for the octave note when D4 (= Hz) is struck as shown in Fig. 6. The curve fit used was an absolute-value of cosine, which is chosen as the ring count, cannot be a negative value. The curve fit successfully matched the frequencies of the octave note for five of the seven recorded strikes for which the SPNet model was used to generate predictions of ring counts. The two cases where the model was unable to make predictions leading to a reliable curve fit are due to the amplitude of the drum strike being not sufficiently large enough to generate motion in the octave note that could be detected by the ESPI system. A graph showing a detail of one such sinusoidal fit is shown in Fig. 6.
Second, our inspection of the predictions of the model when applied to un-annotated video frames (such as in the sample movie at https://youtu.be/-rJLwcbQ7Kk) confirms that SPNet's predictions of both antinode boundaries and ring counts are consistent with our own estimations. Given these reasons for cautious optimism, Sec. IV, we begin to explore what physics may be ascertained when one is willing to take the many thousands of new frame-annotations provided by the model at face value, with the caveat that these are preliminary results.
Figure 7 shows drum oscillation amplitude as a function of time, comparing ring counts obtained from SPNet with audio recordings using a microphone placed 1m from the center of the drum. Each recording of a drum strike was made using an ACO Pacific (Belmont, CA) model 7012, condenser microphone controlled by a custom LabView (Austin, TX) program triggered to coincide with the high-speed ESPI recording. Audio recordings were made at a sample rate of 44 100 Hz, and analysis of the recordings was done with the SNDAN package.56 The large fundamental note, such as that shown in the left of the field of view (as shown in Fig. 1) is struck, and the SPNet analysis tracks the rings in a note to the right, corresponding to the second harmonic. (This was confirmed by measuring the frequency of the oscillations in the ring counts.)
Figure 8 explores the relationship between the number of rings and the size (area) of the antinodes. For large ring counts, which indicate large deformation (or velocity) of the surface, one would expect the area of the antinode to be the same as that of the note itself. Small areas and small ring counts could result from small notes or could result from large note areas in which the note is barely moving. In the latter case, one would only see the shape of the largest portion of the note that “peeks up” above the threshold set by the laser interference. It is not obvious, then, what the relationship between area and ring count should be, and thus, we provide Fig. 8 as a set of raw observations. The differing coloration of the dots is primarily to allow for articulate viewing (i.e., so the reader is not presented with a large wash of undifferentiated uniform color) and also to provide the opportunity to observe any time dependence in the distribution of the values. We do not claim to detect a noticeable time-dependent trend in the case of this figure; however, in Fig. 9, there does appear to be some noticeable time-dependence.
In Fig. 9, we investigate the relationship between (squared) eccentricity and ring count. As with area versus ring count, it is not obvious what the relationship between eccentricity and ring count should be: If eccentricity was determined purely by the shape of each note, then we would expect a “quantized” set of eccentricities (one for each note-shape), but instead, we see a wide range of antinode eccentricities present. (The horizontal banding near the bottom is a non-physical artifact of pixel-integer math.) In the case of this figure, we observe that the darker dots representing early times tend to cluster in the upper right area of high eccentricity and low ring count, whereas the domain of low eccentricity and high ring count tends to be occupied only at later times. We will discuss this further in Sec. V.
A sample movie of SPNet-annotated video frames is available in the Supplementary Materials, as well as at https://youtu.be/-rJLwcbQ7Kk.
A. Physical Interpretation
In Fig. 7 we observe the differing behavior of the second harmonics when measured via audio versus SPNet (via the latter's ring-count annotations of the octave note). We find this difference surprising, as we would expect these two signals to exhibit close similarity.
In Fig. 7(a), the audio signals for the first and second harmonics initially decay at approximately the same rate (i.e., they have the same “reverberation time”), suggesting that this initial transient in the second harmonic sound results from the first harmonic note ringing down as a superposition of first and second harmonics, and only later does the octave note in the drum begin to oscillate significantly–on differing time scales of roughly 50 ms after the strike for in the video (SPNet output) and 150 ms for the audio. The strike shown in Fig. 7(b) exhibits qualitatively different behavior from the previous graph. The second harmonic in the audio initially decays much faster than the fundamental, and rises again 90 ms later, whereas the octave note as measured by SPNet begins oscillating immediately and maintains its amplitude.
The drum strikes were performed by hand, not always with the same velocity or even exactly in the same location within each fundamental note, so that differences between Figs. 7(a) and 7(b) need not merit consternation in their own right. One may add to this the fact that these two different drum notes were hand-hammered by the steelpan tuner and thus, there is no guarantee of consistency from one note to the next.
Allowing for such variations, however, the difference (for each strike) in the second harmonic between audio and video (SPNet annotation) measurements is nevertheless noteworthy. At present, we are unable to account for this discrepancy. Looking at the graphs of the signals (physics aside), one might propose some kind of “delay” of at least 50 ms between the two signals, at which point it is worth ruling out two mechanisms that would not produce such a long-term effect. First, the travel time of sound in air from the drum to the microphone is no more than 3 ms since the latter is only 1 m away. Second, the wave speed in the drum is roughly 3000 m/s (this is not a precise number because steelpans, like the one used in this study, are hand-hammered by artisans and thus contain variations in thickness), whereas the distance between the fundamental and octave notes is at most a few centimeters, yielding a wave travel time in the drum on the order of 10 s. Given that the dynamical time scales for wave travel are so short, it seems unlikely that the difference in signals can be accounted for in terms of a delay due to wave propagation. Thus, an understanding of the physics producing the observed difference in the measurements for the second harmonic awaits further study.
Turning our attention to the distribution of eccentricity versus ring count as shown in Fig. 9, we observe an apparent trend of clustering of early-time antinodes towards the upper left, with the lower right consisting of mostly later-time antinodes. This raises several questions, as the interpretation of this observation is not straightforward. While this trend is truly present in the data (and not some artifact of the order in which points are plotted), we prefer caution about drawing physical inferences from this. The idea that large, circular antinodes are the ones likely to persist the longest seems well-motivated, but the evolution of a single antinode is not trackable in this figure: We saw in the second harmonic graphs of Fig. 7, ring counts not only decrease with time via damping but can increase over time. (Also, since the frames show oscillating antinodes, each dot in the graph oscillates left-and-right “rapidly” in this figure, regardless of any longer-term trends). Apart from the “path” through this graph-space that an individual antinode might take over time, it is unclear whether “missing” data points have any physical significance. For example, in this data there is an absence at early times of low-eccentricity antinodes with high ring counts, and yet we know that the note at which the drum is struck oscillates with an essentially circular shape, with high ring count. Is it then the case that the “missing” circular, high-ring-count antinodes do not occur, or is it merely that these are not detected (i.e., false negatives) by the model? The latter scenario seems likely, given that many volunteers in the SVP failed to annotate the large initial strike area. One might similarly conjecture whether the “hole” seen around the coordinates (9, 0.4) is physically interesting, or is a mere artifact of the available notes on the drum (i.e., the finite number of notes, and/or the choice of the experimenters on which notes they recorded), or an artifact of the object detector. These questions bear further investigation.
B. Machine Learning Considerations
Rather than producing a generic object detector package for measuring interference fringes in all forms of musical instruments illuminated by ESPI, we have trained a model to assist in filling in missing annotations (“in-between frames”) for a small set of videos focused on a particular region of a particular steelpan drum. While the methods used in this paper could be replicated in other domains if sufficient training data (i.e., annotated video frames) were available, the question of how well our model, trained on such images as we have, could predict interference fringes in more general situations, remains open. One would hope that transfer learning57 could be applied using our model as a starting point for similar ESPI images, lowering the requirement for new training data. Earlier we stated that using transfer learning using ImageNet weights proved no better than starting from scratch, but the similarity between ESPI images (versus their difference from typical ImageNet images) could prove beneficial.
Not all instruments exhibit elliptical-shaped antinode regions; however, we conjecture that the shape is not a primary limiting factor if one wishes to count fringes apart from requiring precise bounds on the antinode regions. Some early work we performed using image-segmentation model Mask-RCNN58,59 indicated it could find peanut-shaped and triangle-shaped antinode regions, even when trained on ellipses; however, the code structured on a deep level as a classifier and we elected not to try to modify it for regression.
The variability in the human annotations of the real data prevented us from objectively scoring highly when evaluating the model (because even the testing set exhibited the same inconsistencies), and although using the fake data (particularly CGSmall) allowed us to gauge how well the model might perform on consistently annotated ESPI images, these fake data were not physically motivated. An alternate path to obtaining physically realistic training data would be to perform physical simulations of the steelpan60 via methods such as Finite Element modeling61,62 and then apply “styling” techniques, such as CycleGAN, to make the fake images look like the real ones.
Using an object detector comprised of convolutional neural networks, it is possible to locate and track antinode regions on oscillating steelpan drums, and to solve the regression task of estimating the number of interference rings in each antinode. While variations in the human annotations prevented high scores on accuracy metrics, our “SPNet” model's performance was sufficient to extract oscillation information at the correct frequencies in highly time-dependent, transient regimes. Data from our analysis indicate a significant discrepancy between audio recordings of second harmonic oscillations (sympathetic to a drum struck on a fundamental note) and optical measurements (i.e., video frame analysis by SPNet). Explaining this discrepancy in terms of likely physical processes remains beyond the scope of our current effort. Subsequent analysis published in future papers may reveal additional insights.
The authors thank Thomas R. Moore for helpful consultation during the completion of this paper and Matthew Lange who assisted A.C. M. with data processing and was supported by NSF Grant No. 1741934. This publication uses data generated via the Zooniverse.org platform, development of which is funded by generous support, including a Global Impact Award from Google, and by a Grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.