Broadband echosounders measure the scattering response of an organism over a range of frequencies. When compared with acoustic scattering models, this response can provide insight into the type of organism measured. Here, we train the k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm using scattering models and use it to group target spectra (25–40 kHz) measured in the mesopelagic near the New England continental shelf break. Compared to an unsupervised approach, this creates groupings defined by their scattering physics and does not require significant tuning. The model classifies human-annotated target spectra as gas-bearing organisms (at, below, or above resonance) or fluid-like organisms with a weighted F1-score of 0.90. Class-specific F1-scores varied—the F1-score exceeded 0.89 for all gas-bearing organisms, while fluid-like organisms were classified with an F1-score of 0.73. Analysis of classified target spectra provides insight into the size and distribution of organisms in the mesopelagic and allows for the assessment of assumptions used to calculate organism abundance. Organisms with resonance peaks between 25 and 40 kHz account for 43% of detections, but a disproportionately high fraction of volume backscatter. Results suggest gas bearing organisms account for 98.9% of volume backscattering concurrently measured using a 38 kHz shipboard echosounder between 200 and 800 m depth.
Broadband echosounders are increasingly prevalent tools for fisheries research (Bassett et al., 2018; Blanluet et al., 2019; Demer et al., 2017; Lavery et al., 2017; Verma et al., 2017) because they can measure scattered sound over a continuous band of frequencies, in contrast to narrowband echosounders that operate at a single frequency. In combination with physics-based acoustic scattering models, the frequency-dependent scattering response of an organism can provide insight into the type, and sometimes size, of an organism that is observed (Bassett et al., 2020; Kubilius et al., 2020; Reeder et al., 2004; Stanton et al., 2010). In this work, we analyze broadband target spectra of organisms in the ocean mesopelagic zone (approximately 200–1000 m deep), with the aim of better understanding their distribution and contribution to volume backscatter.
Broadband echosounders are particularly well suited to study the mesopelagic, which forms one of the largest habitats on earth and is home to a diverse community of organisms. However, there is significant uncertainty surrounding the abundance and distribution of organisms and biodiversity in this region of the ocean (Kaartvedt et al., 2012; Proud et al., 2019). Volume backscatter measured by shipboard narrowband echosounders operating at 38 kHz, a frequency commonly used in fisheries acoustics to study epipelagic species (Simmonds and MacLennan, 2005), has recently been used to estimate global mesopelagic biomass (Irigoien et al., 2014; Proud et al., 2019). Interpretation of these measurements is complicated by the fact that 38 kHz is near the resonance frequency of many gas bladder-bearing mesopelagic fishes, where target strength (TS) is highly sensitive to frequency (Khodabandeloo et al., 2021; Stanton et al., 2010). Traditional narrowband acoustic-trawl survey techniques that rely on TS-weight relationships to estimate biomass are not effective when the scattering responses of organisms are not flat near the measurement frequency (Simmonds and MacLennan, 2005). Further, the resonance frequencies of organisms with gas inclusions (e.g., fish with swimbladders) change with ambient pressure, meaning that the TS of the same organism will vary more as a function of depth and physiological responses to changes in pressure. Multi-frequency measurements (i.e., multiple narrowband echosounders) can provide some insight into these complicating factors (Kloser et al., 2016), but typically do not resolve the resonance frequency of a target nor have sufficient resolution to reliably estimate the resonance frequency and therefore estimate its impact on measured TS.
Our recent work analyzed target spectra from mesopelagic organisms measured in situ with broadband echosounders (20–40 and 50–90 kHz) (Bassett et al., 2020). Target spectra in a 3.5 h window of data were manually selected and grouped into five classes based on their shape and scattering physics. This preliminary analysis afforded a comparison with the TS values used in the calculation of existing biomass estimates and insight into the complexity of acoustic measurements in the mesopelagic. However, classification of target spectra relied on time-consuming human annotation, and broader application of this type of analysis requires automatic approaches to classify and analyze measured target spectra.
Automatic classification of target spectra is not straightforward. Unsupervised machine learning (clustering) has previously been employed to categorize broadband and multi-frequency echosounder data (Benoit-Bird and Waluk, 2020; Blanluet et al., 2019; Peña, 2018; Ross et al., 2013). There are several advantages to unsupervised approaches over supervised approaches (classification): they do not require annotated training data and may identify trends or groupings in data that a human would not. However, a human must choose the appropriate number of clusters and later interpret the machine-generated groupings. For acoustic scattering applications, these groupings may not be driven by the underlying physics of interest. Conversely, supervised machine learning approaches use annotated training data to build a classification model, and have also recently been applied to multi-frequency echosounder data (Brautaset et al., 2020). A supervised approach ensures that data are categorized into the desired classes, but data annotation will replicate human biases and may not perform well for classes of targets that are relatively rare in the data set and therefore not well represented in the training data.
Here, we “bridge the gap” between unsupervised and supervised classification of broadband target spectra by using acoustic scattering models to develop a training data set. A supervised machine learning model is trained using the k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm (Fix and Hodges, 1951) with these data and used to classify target spectra of mesopelagic organisms measured by an in situ echosounder deployed at depth (25–40 kHz) based on their scattering physics. The results provide insight into the distribution of organisms within the mesopelagic as well as the size distribution of organisms that contribute most significantly to volume backscatter measured by a shipboard echosounder.
Most mesopelagic organisms detected within the 25–40 kHz frequency band will fit into two broad groups: organisms with gas inclusions (e.g., swimbladder-bearing fishes or siphonophores with pneumatophores) and fluid-like organisms (e.g., fish without swimbladders or squid) (Stanton et al., 2010). In this section, we describe the scattering models used to generate training data for each organism type. We note that these two scattering models do not describe all marine organisms. For example, some organisms, such as pteropods, have an elastic scattering response. However, due to their small size, we do not expect to detect these organisms in the 25–40 kHz frequency band analyzed here (Lavery et al., 2007; Stanton et al., 1994).
A. Gas-bearing organism model
A depth-dependent prolate spheriod swimbladder resonance model (Love, 1978) is used to model organisms with gas inclusions, and the contribution to scattering from the organism body is considered to be negligible (Foote, 1980). We follow the implementation of the model in Nero et al. (2004). The scattering cross section, σbs, in m2, is given by
where f is the incident frequency, in Hz; res is the equivalent spherical radius of the prolate spheriod, in m; f0 is the resonance frequency, in Hz; and H is a unitless damping factor. The equivalent spherical radius, res, is equivalent to , where a and b are the lengths of the minor and major axes of the prolate spheroid, respectively. The resonance frequency is calculated as follows:
where γa is the ratio of specific heats of air (γa = 1.4); P is the ambient pressure at depth z, in Pa; and ρf is the density of the flesh in kg/m3. The ambient pressure is given by where z is the depth, in m; Po is the atmospheric pressure (101.3 kPa); ρl is the density of the surrounding water, in kg/m3; and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2). A correction factor from Weston (1967) that accounts for the fact that most swimbladders are not spherical () is calculated according to
where . Finally, the damping factor is given by
where cw is the speed of sound in the surrounding water, and ξ is the viscosity of the flesh. The damping factor accounts for radiation and viscous damping but neglects thermal damping as it has been shown to be negligible at depths greater than 100 m (Love, 1978).
The acoustic TS () for a representative gas-bearing organism using Eqs. (1)–(4) is shown in Fig. 1. The TS curve is characterized by three regimes: below resonance (B), where σbs increases with frequency with a slope greater than or equal to , at resonance (Re), where a peak is observed at f0, and above resonance (A), where σbs is relatively flat, but gradually decreases with increasing frequency. Due to the inverse relationship between f0 and res, in general, a smaller organism will have a higher resonance frequency.
B. Fluid-like organism model
The distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) for a straight, finite-length cylinder (Jones et al., 2009) was used to model fluid-like organisms. For a finite cylinder with length L and radius a, σbs is given by
where kl and kv are the wave numbers in the surrounding water and within the volume, respectively (, where λ is the wavelength, in m), J1 is the Bessel function of the first kind, and θ is the angle of incidence (θ = 180° is broadside). and are compressibility and density constants, respectively, defined as
where gv is the ratio of the density of the fluid within the volume to the density of the surrounding water, and hv is the ratio of the sound speed within the volume to the sound speed in the surrounding water.
Real organisms have more complex shapes and material properties than the finite-length cylinder modeled here. As a result, the structure of σbs for real organisms will typically be less smooth than predicted by the model. To address this, we average σbs over ten angles of incidence normally distributed between −10 and 10 degrees (Stanton and Chu, 2000).
Figure 1 shows TS for a representative fluid-like organism. The TS curve is characterized by increasing TS with frequency (with a slope less than or equal to ) at lower frequencies, followed by a geometric scattering regime in which the frequency response is flat but may contain nulls.
A. Instrumentation
Target spectra were measured using Deep-See, a towed instrumentation platform, depth rated to 1500 m, that combines active acoustic, optical, and environmental sensors for in situ measurement of the mesopelagic zone (Bassett et al., 2020). Deep-See has seven broadband transducers spanning approximately 1–450 kHz, which were operated sequentially. While this approach mitigated the effects of acoustic crosstalk, it also meant that relatively few organisms were observed coincidentally between channels and a continuous spectrum across channels was not possible for most targets. Here, we focus on data from one channel, a custom Airmar transducer with an 18–48 kHz nominal frequency range that is operated by a custom Edgetech system. The receiver for this bi-static system is an eight-channel polyvinylidene floride (PVDF) array (a diagram of the PVDF array can be found in the supplemental information found in Bassett et al., 2020). The Airmar transducer transmitted a 10 ms linear frequency-modulated chirp with a bandwidth of 18.5–47.5 kHz at a ping rate of 0.5 Hz. The transducer was aligned with the PVDF receive array in the athwartship (port-starboard) direction, and the centers of the transducer and PVDF array were separated by 65 cm in the alongship (forward-aft) direction. A Seabird 25+ conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) sensor was used to measure platform depth and in situ water properties.
B. Data collection
Data were collected from 24 July–7 August 2019 during a cruise on the FRV Henry Bigelow in the northwestern Atlantic off of the New England continental shelf break. Deep-See was deployed a total of ten times during this cruise, twice for calibration and testing and eight times for biological scattering measurements (four of these were during daylight hours). In this work, we present detailed results from one of the four daylight deployments (conducted on August 4), but all daytime data were analyzed using the same methods and results were generally consistent across deployments. For all deployments, Deep-See was towed at a speed of approximately 2 knots.
Concurrent volume backscattering measurements were made by a shipboard EK60 echosounder operating at 18, 38, 120, and 200 kHz. The EK60 was calibrated using a standard target (Demer et al., 2015) following the cruise on 20 August 2019. Figure 2 shows the 38 kHz shipboard echosounder data collected during the 4 August deployment, the depth profile of Deep-See, and representative samples of the in situ echosounder data. In the shipboard data, a dominant scattering layer is seen between approximately 400 and 500 m depth, and a second, less intense scattering layer is observed between approximately 600 and 700 m depth.
C. Broadband data processing
1. Matched-filtering and split-beam processing
Matched filtering (Chu and Stanton, 1998; Turin, 1960) was performed in the Edgetech data acquisition software, and the filtered, decimated signal from each of the eight PVDF channels was recorded to a range of 300 m. In all further analysis, we only use data from the inner four channels of the PVDF array. These four quadrants form a circular array with a diameter of 58 cm, similar to commercially-available four-sector transducers. Split-beam processing using these four channels was implemented to determine the alongship and athwartship off-axis angles ( and , respectively) of the target relative to the transducer (Bassett et al., 2020; Simmonds and MacLennan, 2005). The broadband off-axis angle was then calculated as .
The broadband TS was determined from the coherent sum of the four channels, v,
where r is the range from the transducer, in m, using the time difference of arrival; α is the attenuation coefficient at the center frequency, in dB/m (Francois and Garrison, 1982a,b); and Gc is the gain value from calibration at the center frequency (see Sec. III C 2). Range and were calculated using water properties measured by the CTD.
2. Calibration
Because of the offset between the transducer and receive array, the two-way beam pattern of the Airmar/PVDF system, b, is a function of alongship angle relative to the receiver array (), athwartship angle relative to the receiver array (), range (r), and frequency (f). The beam pattern was measured dockside in June 2020 for a target at a single range, and this measured beam pattern was compared to the theoretical formulation used for in situ TS measurements.
A 20 cm diameter aluminum sphere was suspended at a range of approximately 8.9 m below Deep-See in a test well that was approximately 15 m deep, depending on tidal elevation. At this range, the target was beyond the acoustic nearfield (Medwin and Clay, 1998) and far enough from the seafloor to avoid interference due to the matched filter sidelobes (Lavery et al., 2017). The pitch and roll of Deep-See were gradually varied while data were collected at 4 Hz. The angular position of the target in each ping was calculated as the alongship and athwartship angles ( and ) at the peak in v associated with the target.
First, the split-beam processing was verified by ensuring that the relationships between vehicle pitch and and roll and were approximately 1:1. Then, the uncalibrated frequency response of the target, , was calculated using a 0.65 m window with the target peak at 0.15 m, vtarg. A Tukey window with a cosine fraction of 0.05 was applied to vtarg before padding the signal to a length of 2048 points and calculating the frequency content of the target, Vtarg, using a fast Fourier transform (FFT). , in dB re 1 m2, was then calculated as follows:
where rtarg is the range to the peak in the matched filter data, in m, using the time difference of arrival, and is the frequency-dependent attenuation coefficient, in dB/m (Francois and Garrison, 1982a,b).
The average of the highest ten observed values of at each frequency, , were assumed to be the TS of the target when b = 0. For each frequency, the measured beam pattern at r = 8.9 m, bmeas, was then approximated as
The theoretical beam pattern was calculated by assuming that both the transmitting transducer (Airmar) and the receiving transducer (PVDF array) could be modeled as piston transducers with directivity patterns described by
where J1 is the Bessel function of the first kind, k is the wavenumber (, where λ is the wavelength, in m), a is the radius of the transducer, in m, and is the off-axis angle (Medwin and Clay, 1998). The Airmar transducer is an off-the-shelf system with a diameter of 13 cm, and the effective diameter of the PVDF array was inferred to be 50 cm by minimizing error between the theoretical beam pattern and the measured data. The beam pattern, , is then
where Dt and Dr are the directivity patterns of the transmitting transducer (Airmar) and the receiving transducer (PVDF array), respectively, and and are the broadband phase angles relative to the two transducers. The phase angle relative to the PVDF array, is the broadband phase angle at the target peak from split-beam processing. For a given target with off-axis angles relative to the PVDF array of and , the off-axis angles relative to the Airmar transducer, and , can be calculated from the system geometry
where d is the distance between the centers of the PVDF array and the Airmar transducer (0.65 m). The broadband phase angle relative to the Airmar transducer, , is then .
Figure 3 shows the measured beam pattern, the theoretical beam pattern, and the deviation between the two at the center frequency, 32.5 kHz. Within 2 degrees, the mean absolute deviation between the measurements and theory was 0.3 dB re 1 m2 at 38 kHz. We note that this deviation was higher when we did not account for the bistatic angle (), and the mean absolute deviation increased to 0.7 dB re 1 m2, though the effect of the bistatic correction decreases with range. Deviation was similar at higher and lower frequencies, with mean absolute deviations between the bistatic theoretical beampattern and the measured beampattern of 0.38 and 0.22 dB at 23.5 and 38 kHz, respectively.
The calibration curve, G(f), was measured in situ on 28 July 2019. The same 20 cm diameter aluminum target that was used to measure the beam pattern was suspended below Deep-See at a range of approximately 20 m while Deep-See was towed throughout the water column. Due to the pitch of Deep-See, the target was never on-axis ( degrees), and the theoretical beam pattern derived above was applied to targets with degrees to correct their TS based on their position within the beam. Both full-wave and partial-wave calibration techniques were used to achieve a relatively smooth calibration curve, G(f), between 25 and 40 kHz (Bassett et al., 2020; Stanton and Chu, 2008; Stanton et al., 2010). Calibration of this transducer/receiver array during a previous cruise found minimal variation in the calibration curve as a function of depth (see supplemental material found in Bassett et al., 2020).
D. Target detection and processing
Targets in the in situ data were automatically detected and tracked using custom software implemented in matlab R2019B. Target detection was implemented on the broadband TS signal [Eq. (8)] following the wideband target detection algorithm used in the Echoview software.1 A 30 cm window of v centered around the target peak, vtarg, was used to calculate the frequency-dependent TS, TS(f), of each detected target. To do this, a Tukey window with a cosine fraction of 0.05 was applied to vtarg before using a fast Fourier transform (FFT) to calculate the spectrum of the target, Vtarg. The TS spectrum, TS(f), in dB re 1 m2 was calculated as
where rpk is the range from the transducer to the target peak using the time difference of arrival, in m; is the frequency-dependent attenuation coefficient, in dB/m (Francois and Garrison, 1982a,b); G(f) is the gain curve from calibration, in dB re 1 m2; b is the two-way beampattern of the bistatic system, in dB re 1 m2; and is the off-axis angle from split beam processing at the target peak.
The minimum range for target detection was 10 m, and a threshold was used to dynamically set the maximum range to maximize the number of targets detected while avoiding regions where individual targets were not detectable (e.g., volume backscattering). Targets were considered to be detectable when the median broadband TS in 2-meter, 20-s bins did not exceed −85 dB re 1 m2 (i.e., 50% of samples in the bin did not contain a target with TS above this threshold).
To avoid double-counting the same target in multiple pings, detected targets were tracked through the beam using an alpha-beta tracking algorithm (Blackman, 1986), again following the implementation used in the Echoview software.2 Two changes were made to adapt this algorithm for broadband target detection from a depth-varying platform: the mean absolute difference between TS(f) for two targets was used in lieu of at a single frequency, and the z position for each target was defined as its depth (sum of platform depth and rpk) rather than the range from the transducer. For any target detected in multiple pings, TS(f) for the target was defined as the linear average of all detections. Target detection and tracking parameters are provided in Table I.
Detection Parameters . | Tracking Parameters . | ||||
Parameter . | Units . | Value . | Parameter . | Units . | Value . |
Pulse length determination level | dB re 1 m2 | 6 | α | — | 0.1 |
Maximum | Degrees | 2 | β | — | 0.1 |
Minimum pulse length | m | 0.04 | Exclusion distance | m | 1 |
Maximum pulse length | m | 0.3 | Missed ping expansion | % | 50 |
Maximum std. of | Degrees | 0.6 | Max ping gap | Count | 2 |
Minimum TS | dB re 1 m2 | −80 | Maximum | dB re 1 m2 | 2 |
Minimum separation | m | 15 |
Detection Parameters . | Tracking Parameters . | ||||
Parameter . | Units . | Value . | Parameter . | Units . | Value . |
Pulse length determination level | dB re 1 m2 | 6 | α | — | 0.1 |
Maximum | Degrees | 2 | β | — | 0.1 |
Minimum pulse length | m | 0.04 | Exclusion distance | m | 1 |
Maximum pulse length | m | 0.3 | Missed ping expansion | % | 50 |
Maximum std. of | Degrees | 0.6 | Max ping gap | Count | 2 |
Minimum TS | dB re 1 m2 | −80 | Maximum | dB re 1 m2 | 2 |
Minimum separation | m | 15 |
E. System noise level
Due to spreading and attenuation, the signal-to-noise ratio of a given target decreases as a function of range. The minimum detectable TS will therefore increase as a function of range. To investigate this effect and determine the lowest TS organisms that could be detected, the system noise level was calculated using a 30 min segment of data collected in a region with relatively low organism density (8:45–9:15 AM in Fig. 2). First, target detection was performed with lowered thresholds ( = 360°, TSmin = –90 dB re 1 m2, = 1°) to identify regions of the data where targets were present (i.e., not noise) and an 0.5 m window around each detected target was removed from the data set. The noise level as a function of frequency N(f) was then calculated in 0.5 m windows with 50% overlap for all windows that did not contain a detected target by applying Eq. (15) with b = 0. Finally, the median noise level as a function of range, N(r, f), was calculated as the median of all N(f) curves in each range bin.
F. Target spectra annotation
A human reviewer (first author) annotated 100 target spectra randomly selected from each of the four daytime Deep-See dives (400 total target spectra). The reviewer classified spectra into the four classes described in Fig. 1, plus an additional class for target spectra that were not well-described by the scattering models:
at resonance (R): resonance peak observed between 25 and 40 kHz
above resonance (A): decrease in TS with frequency, and TS exceeds −54 dB re 1 m2 at 25 kHz
below resonance (B): increase in TS with frequency with a slope greater than
fluid-like (F): increase in TS with frequency with a slope less than or flat, negative slope, or complex shape with TS that does not exceed −54 dB re 1 m2
complex/unclassified (C): any target spectra that does not fit into the aforementioned categories
The −54 dB re 1 m2 threshold was determined through analysis of the modeled spectra using the parameters in Table II. Gas bearing targets observed well below resonance ( 40 kHz) will have slopes approaching or equal to , and would likely be difficult or impossible to discern from fluid-like targets. These targets, however, would have relatively low TS and would likely not be detected (see Sec. III E). Similarly, fluid-like targets larger than 11 cm (the upper bound in Table II) may have relatively flat TS spectra that, following the criteria described here, would be categorized as above resonance. While there are little data published on size distributions in the sampled region, non-swimbladdered fishes are expected to be smaller than this threshold (Davison et al., 2015; Dornan et al., 2019; Irigoien et al., 2014; Underwood et al., 2020), and studies in other regions suggest that other organisms larger than 11 cm are expected to be relatively rare (Benoit-Bird and Au, 2001).
Gas-bearing organism model . | Fluid-like organism model . | ||||
a | Minor axis length | 0.2–4 mm | L | Length | 3–11 cm |
z | Depth | 200–800 m | g | Density ratio | 1.04 |
γa | Ratio of specific heats of air | 1.4 | h | Sound speed ratio | 1.04 |
Po | Atmospheric pressure | 101.3 kPa | ϵ | Aspect ratio (radius/length) | 15 |
cw | Sound speed in water | 1500 m s− 1 | cw | Sound speed in water | 1500 m s− 1 |
ϵ | Axis ratio | 0.5 | |||
ρf | Fish flesh density | 1050 kg m− 3 | |||
ξf | Fish flesh viscosity | 5 kg m− 1 s− 1 |
Gas-bearing organism model . | Fluid-like organism model . | ||||
a | Minor axis length | 0.2–4 mm | L | Length | 3–11 cm |
z | Depth | 200–800 m | g | Density ratio | 1.04 |
γa | Ratio of specific heats of air | 1.4 | h | Sound speed ratio | 1.04 |
Po | Atmospheric pressure | 101.3 kPa | ϵ | Aspect ratio (radius/length) | 15 |
cw | Sound speed in water | 1500 m s− 1 | cw | Sound speed in water | 1500 m s− 1 |
ϵ | Axis ratio | 0.5 | |||
ρf | Fish flesh density | 1050 kg m− 3 | |||
ξf | Fish flesh viscosity | 5 kg m− 1 s− 1 |
To aid in annotation, a curve with slope proportional to f4 was shown to the reviewer on the same axis as each annotated target spectra. This allowed the reviewer to discern between target spectra classified here as fluid-like organism and gas-bearing organisms below resonance based on their slope. The reviewer also indicated whether each annotation was high or low certainty. Examples of targets that would be assigned low certainty include a target that appears to have a resonance peak at the upper edge of the frequency band, and the distinction between “at” and “below” resonance is ambiguous, or a target spectrum that increases with frequency with a relatively steep slope (), but is not smooth or has nulls. Figure 4 shows an example of each class of target spectra (high certainty levels) from the annotated data set, and all annotated target spectra are shown in the supplementary matieral, Fig. S1.3
G. Model-generated training data
Training data were generated for the non-complex/unclassified target classes using the scattering models described in Sec. II. Table II lists the parameters used for each model, including which parameters were varied and which were held constant. Where available, parameter values representative of mesopelagic fishes from previous studies were used (Davison et al., 2015; Love, 1978; Scoulding et al., 2015; Yasuma et al., 2003). The selected value of the swimbladder aspect ratio, , is the average aspect ratio of mesopelagic lanternfishes (Dhiapus theta) measured in a laboratory in Yasuma et al. (2003).
Parameters were randomly generated within the ranges specified in Table II by drawing samples from a uniform distribution to generate 3000 gas-bearing and 2000 fluid-like target spectra. The modeled gas-bearing target spectra were classified as below, at, or above resonance based on where the resonance frequency fell relative to the echosounder frequency band: below resonance for 39.5 kHz, at resonance for 25.5 kHz 39.5 kHz, and above resonance for 39.5 kHz. The modeled data supported our approach to human annotation - for the modeled gas-bearing target with the highest resonance frequency (f0 = 130 kHz), σbs had a slope proportional to , and the fluid-like target with the steepest frequency response in the echosounder frequency band had a slope proportional to .
H. Classification model
Because our objective was to group targets based on both the magnitude and the shape of the TS spectra, both TS(f) and its slope, , were used for automatic classification. The measured and modeled target spectra were both smoothed and preprocessed for classification in the same way. Because the real target spectra were less smooth than the model-generated spectra, was averaged in 2 kHz bins with 50% overlap. The smoothed spectra () and its first difference (δTS) were then assembled into an n × 1 vector, x, where n is the sum of the number of points in the smoothed spectra (31) and the number of points in dTS (30). The vectors x associated with the model-generated training data were assembled into an m x n matrix , where m is the total number of model-generated targets (400). The maximum and minimum values of each row of X were used to normalize the data such that each value of TS and δTS ranged between 0 and 1. The same values (maximum and minimum values of the training data) were used to normalize the measured target spectra. This prevented values with smaller magnitudes (i.e., dTS) from dominating the classification model.
The k-nearest neighbor algorithm was used to predict the class of each measured target spectrum. This algorithm was selected for classification because it has been shown to be robust to the noisy data characteristic of acoustic measurements. We note that other supervised, multi-class classification algorithms, such as the random forest algorithm (Breiman, 2001), may provide similar performance.
The Euclidean distance, d, between its associated vector x and each column of was calculated, and the five model-generated targets with the smallest values of d were selected (nearest neighbors). For each target class, c, represented in the nearest neighbors, a weighted distance was calculated,
where dc are the distances between x and the nearest neighbors belonging to class c, and dn are the distances between the unclassified target and all five nearest neighbors. The unclassified target was then tentatively predicted to belong to the class with the highest value of Wc. The average distance between the unclassified target and the nearest neighbors belonging to the predicted class, , was calculated. If exceeded a specified threshold, dmax, the target was determined to not fit well into any of the five modeled classes, and assigned to the complex/unknown target class. This distance threshold was empirically tuned by optimizing the weighted F1 score for the validation data set (see Sec. III I). We note that this classification approach is equivalent to a distance-weighted k-nearest neighbor algorithm (Dudani, 1976) with k = 5 and a distance threshold.
I. Model tuning and validation
To tune the complex target threshold, dmax, and assess classification performance, the model described in the previous section was used to predict the classes of the 400 human-annotated targets with values of dmax ranging from 0 (no complex targets) to the maximum observed value of (all targets are complex). For each value of dmax tested, the F1 score was calculated for each class of target spectra. The F1 score for an individual class is defined as
where TP is the number true positives (target spectra correctly classified as belonging to the class), FP is the number of false positives (target spectra incorrectly classified as belonging to the class), and FN is the number of false negatives (target spectra belonging to the class that were incorrectly classified). The F1 score is equivalent to a weighted average of precision and recall. The weighted average of the F1 score for all classes was then computed, where the F1 score was weighted by the number of annotated target spectra in each class. The value of dmax that yielded the highest weighted-average F1 score was retained in all further analyses. We note that we use the same data for model tuning and validation due to the relative scarcity of complex target spectra (nine complex target spectra out of 400 annotations). Complex target spectra were rare in the data set because the selected scattering models were representative of the observed biology. While this is not best practice, we feel that it is preferable to the alternative of removing complex target spectra from the validation data set. However, in applications where more training data is available or there are a significant number of target spectra that are not well-described by scattering models, it would be recommended to split the annotated data into two training sets, one for testing, and one for validation.
J. Analysis of classified targets
After validation and tuning, the classification model was used to predict the class of all measured target spectra from the 4 August 2019 dive, and the following section describes the analysis of the classified target spectra. All depth-varying metrics are calculated in 25 m depth bins except where noted.
1. Distribution of target classes
The fraction of targets belonging to each class as a function of depth, , was calculated
where is the number of targets belonging to the class, c, in the depth bin, and n(z) is the total number of detected targets in each depth bin. The depth of each target is defined as the sum of the range to the peak in the matched filtered data associated with the target (rpk) and the depth of Deep-See.
2. Contribution to volume backscatter
The contribution to volume backscatter from each class was estimated for comparison with traditional shipboard measurements. First, the average backscattering cross section in the echosounder frequency band was calculated as a function of depth for all targets [] and for targets associated with each class []. The backscattering cross section of a target at frequency f was calculated as the average of in a 1 kHz window around f.
The volume backscattering coefficient, sv, in m− 1, is defined as
where n is the number of targets with a given backscattering cross section, , and V is the volume sampled by the beam, in m3. Therefore, the volume backscattering coefficient that would be measured by a shipboard echosounder operating at frequency f is predicted by
where n(z) is the total number of targets in each depth bin, is the average backscattering cross section of all organisms at frequency f, and V(z) is the volume of water sampled by the echosounder in each depth bin. This requires the assumption that the detected organisms are representative of the distribution of organisms in each depth bin. The volume backscatter at a given frequency from each individual class, can be approximated by
where the subscript c indicates organisms associated with class c. The fractional contribution to the total volume backscattering by each class, , can then therefore be estimated as
where the measured volume terms cancel.
3. Size of targets observed at resonance
For gas-bearing targets at resonance, the resonance frequency (f0) was defined as the frequency at the peak in the measured target spectrum. The resonance frequency was then used to approximate the size of the gas inclusion of the detected organism. To do this, Eq. (2) was solved for res, using the values of ρf, ξf, and ϵ in Table II and ambient pressure calculated using the depth of the measured organism. The average value of res as a function of depth, , was calculated in 50 m depth bins. To aid in interpretation, the largest ( f0 = 25 kHz) and smallest ( f0 = 40 kHz) values of res that could be resolved in the echosounder frequency band were also calculated at the center of each depth bin. Finally, to ensure that the resonance model was a good fit for the measured data, σbs was modeled using the estimated value of res and the parameters in Table II [Eq. (1)], and the mean absolute deviation between the measured and modeled spectrum was calculated.
A. System noise level
Figure 5 shows the system noise level, N(r, f), processed for comparison with measured TS's, at the center frequency, f = 32.5 kHz, and the minimum TS detected at 32.5 kHz as a function of range from the transducer. On average, the minimum detected TS is 6 dB above the calculated noise floor. While the noise floor is constant with range, spreading and attenuation cause the apparent noise floor in TS to increase with range. This indicates that weakly scattering (low TS) organisms are likely under-counted to a greater extent as range increases. However, due to the logarithmic nature of scattering, this does not have a significant impact on the average TS, which was relatively insensitive to range and should not impact detection of strongly scattering organisms with gas inclusions.
B. Model validation
Figure 6 shows classification performance for the 400 human-annotated target spectra after tuning the complex target threshold (dmax = 1.83). The weighted-average F1 score was 0.90 and the predicted class agreed with human annotation for 91% of annotated target spectra. The reviewer had low certainty for 46% of classifications that did not agree with human annotation. As shown in Fig. 6, 20 targets annotated as below or above resonance were classified as at resonance. Figures 6(a) and 6(b) show that these were target spectra with resonance peaks on the edge of the echosounder frequency band, where distinction between classes was ambiguous. Seven “complex/unknown” target spectra were also classified as resonant targets [Fig. 6(c)]. These were relatively noisy target spectra that the human reviewer did not feel confident classifying, but still have a notable peak in TS. These results indicate that the machine learning model was likely more consistent in classifying targets at resonance than the human reviewer.
Only 61.1% of targets annotated as fluid-like were classified as such. One was classified as above resonance [Fig. 6(d)], and was relatively flat with TS near the -54 dB re 1 m2 threshold. In this case, distinction between a large, fluid-like organism and a gas-bearing organism observed well above resonance is ambiguous. Two were classified as below resonance [Fig. 6(e)] and had slopes that indicated they were associated with gas-bearing organisms but were relatively noisy detections with bumps in the target spectra. In these cases, it is not clear whether the human annotations or model predictions are correct. Finally, two target spectra with relatively low TS, but sharp peaks in TS, were annotated as fluid-like but classified as at resonance. Again, classification here is ambiguous, and these could be gas-bearing organisms or fluid-like organisms in the geometric scattering regime with nulls observed at the edges of the frequency band. We note that relatively few fluid-like organisms were detected (see Sec. IV C) and classification performance for this class is largely inconsequential for the analysis presented here.
C. Analysis of classified targets
Figure 7 shows the number of targets detected in each depth bin, and Fig. 8 shows the fraction of targets belonging to each class as a function of depth, p(z), and their fractional contribution to volume backscatter, , at three representative frequencies: 26, 32, and 38 kHz. All classified target spectra are shown in Fig. S23 in the supplementary materials. Throughout the water column, the majority of target spectra were observed at or below resonance, except at around 300 m depth. While only four targets were detected in the 300 m depth bin due to relatively low organism density in this region (see Fig. 2), the increased presence of targets observed above resonance at shallower depths is consistent with compression of the gas inclusion with depth (i.e., gas inclusions are larger near the surface). Fluid-like and complex/unknown target spectra comprised less than 3.4% and 0.3%, respectively, of all measured organisms. These values are consistent with the preliminary analysis in Bassett et al. (2020) of data obtained in 2018 in the same region. We note that the relatively low number of fluid-like organisms detected does not necessarily indicate that there is a low number of fluid-like organisms present. Rather, it indicates that they are weakly scattering organisms that do not contribute significantly to scattering in the frequency band used (25–40 kHz) and smaller organisms of this type may not be detected, especially at longer ranges from the sonar (as discussed in Sec. IV A). Therefore, we cannot draw conclusions regarding the abundance of fluid-like organisms.
The fractional contribution to volume backscatter from each class of target spectra (psv) is not equivalent to fractional distribution of targets (p). Due to their relatively high TS, targets observed at resonance account for the majority of volume backscatter at nearly all depths and frequencies, even where they do not constitute the majority of observed targets. For example, at 450 m depth (within the scattering layer observed by the 38 kHz shipboard echosounder), target spectra observed below and at resonance account for 67% and 27% of measured organisms, but contribute to 33% and 66% of volume backscatter at 38 kHz, respectively. The fractional contribution to volume backscatter from gas-bearing organisms observed below resonance increases with frequency due to the steep slope of the TS spectra; at 26 kHz, there is near-zero contribution from organisms observed below resonance. Conversely, the fractional contribution from gas-bearing organisms observed above resonance decreases with increasing frequency due to the slightly negative slope of the TS spectra. Across all measured frequencies, at all depths, target spectra associated with gas-bearing targets (at, above, and below resonance) account for at least 88% of volume backscatter.
For target spectra classified as at resonance, the resonance model agreed well with measurements; the average mean absolute deviation between the measured and modeled TS spectra was 1.7 dB re 1 m2 with a standard deviation of 1 dB re 1 m2. Figure 9 shows inferred , as well as the range of inferred res values that could be resolved at each depth in the echosounder frequency band. Both the size of the smallest gas inclusion and the range of gas inclusion sizes that can be resolved increase with depth. Throughout most of the water column, the average inferred radius from target spectra observed at resonance, , follows a similar trend and increases with depth as is expected due to the increasing ambient pressure. However, a notable decrease in is observed around 500 m depth, towards the bottom of the scattering layer observed in the 38 kHz volume backscatter measured by the shipboard echosounder. This, in conjunction with the relatively low number of target spectra observed above resonance and high fraction of target spectra observed below resonance, suggests that organisms likely had smaller gas bladders at this depth than elsewhere in the water column. This trend could also be related to other factors, including the material properties of the organisms (e.g., higher ρf) or the inflation of gas bladders (e.g., non-neutrally buoyant inflation). While the swimbladder aspect ratio used in our resonance model () is based on measurements made at the surface, the estimated equivalent spherical radii were relatively insensitive to the value of ϵ [Eq. (3)]. On average, increased by 0.04 mm when ϵ was decreased to 0.2. We note that the same trends in were observed in the data from the other daytime Deep-See dives during the same cruise.
We have demonstrated that acoustic scattering models can be used to train a machine learning model for classification of broadband target spectra based on their scattering physics. While this approach does not solve the “grand challenge” of species identification (MacLennan and Holliday, 1996), it does provide insight into organism size distribution, and we anticipate that a similar approach could be used for broadband echosounder data from transducers with different operating frequencies. Further, our approach of using model-generated training data could likely be adapted for different machine learning algorithms or scientific objectives. However, application of this approach to data collected at different frequencies or in a different environment will require careful selection of scattering models and parameters.
The results of target spectra classification allow us to evaluate assumptions that have been made in previous studies to convert shipboard volume backscattering to organism abundance. First, the application of TS-length regressions at 38 kHz (as used in Irigoien et al., 2014) requires the assumption that scattering from gas-bearing organisms is in the geometric scattering regime (e.g., above resonance). The in situ target spectra measurements here show that most organisms are observed at or below resonance, and TS-length relationships are not sufficient to model the TS of these organisms at mesopelagic depths. While the effect of resonance has been hypothesized or modeled in previous studies (Davison et al., 2015; Escobar-Flores et al., 2020; Proud et al., 2019), it has not previously been quantified using in situ measurements.
We can gain further insight by applying our results to the concurrent shipboard measurements made at 38 kHz. To do this, for every ping from the in situ echosounder, we calculated a one-minute average of sv measured by the shipboard 38 kHz echosounder in the depth range used for in situ target detection. These “local” sv values were then averaged in 25 m depth bins and multiplied by the values of psv in Fig. 8. In sum, 98.9% of volume backscatter at 38 kHz from 200 to 800 m deep is likely attributable to targets with gas inclusions (targets observed below, at, or above resonance). This supports assumptions made in previous studies that 100% of volume backscatter at 38 kHz can be attributed to organisms with gas inclusions (Irigoien et al., 2014; Proud et al., 2019). We can further constrain this assumption at our test site: 70.4% of volume backscatter can be attributed to targets with resonance frequencies between 25 and 40 kHz (gas inclusions in the size range described in Fig. 9). However, these organisms only comprise 43% of all detections according to the classifications described here. While our measurements do not facilitate a direct comparison, these findings are in accordance with Kloser et al. (2016), who found that 88% of volume backscattering at 38 kHz from 25 to 975 m deep in the Tasman Sea could be attributed to gas inclusions with res between 0.5 and 2.1 mm.
In this work, we have demonstrated a physics-based approach to broadband target spectra classification. Using model-generated training data, we are able to coarsely classify target spectra from gas-bearing and fluid-like organisms based on their scattering physics with an F1 score of 0.90. Analysis of the classified target spectra provides insight into the size and distribution of organisms in the mesopelagic zone and how they contribute to volume backscatter measured by shipboard echosounders. For the deployment analyzed in this work, gas-bearing organisms account for 98.9% of 38 kHz volume backscatter between 200 and 800 m depth, and 70.4% can be attributed to organisms with inferred equivalent spherical radii between 0.5 and 1.2 mm.
The authors would like to thank Bob Pettit, Kaitlyn Tradd, Peter Weibe, Joel Llopiz, and Noa Randall from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and Michael Jech from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for their contributions to Deep-See development and deployment. Development of Deep-See was funded by the National Science Foundation's Major Research Initiative Program, and field work and testing were funded by NOAA. This project was also supported by the WHOI Audacious/TED project, and E.M. was supported by a WHOI postdoctoral scholarship.
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