The interaural time delay (ITD) is a primary cue to lateral sound source direction and can be calculated from a head-related impulse response (HRIR). Although many ITD calculation techniques utilize cross-correlation, recent work suggests that for horizontal plane HRIRs, ITD calculation based on HRIR onset threshold may better match human perception of source location. The goal of the current study is to more comprehensively compare ITD calculation methods across a large sample of HRIRs. 2448 ITD calculation methods were compared using 42 240 HRIRs from the HUTUBS database (440 directions from 96 individuals). Within each method and individual, the calculated ITD function was compared to a spatially smoothed ITD function using a 10th-order spherical harmonic truncation. When large deviations from the smoothed version occurred (>250 μs), the method was tagged as being non-robust to calculation artifacts. Although the robustness of the onset threshold technique was found to be highly dependent upon threshold level and low-pass filter parameters, proper selection of these parameters resulted in little to no calculation artifacts and superior performance to other calculation methods. Improvements in the robustness of ITD calculation may help to optimize virtual auditory displays or HRIR personalization procedures using the minimum-phase plus ITD model.