In 2017, a signal from an impulse-like event of unknown origin (November) and from a successive controlled experiment in the same area involving the detonation of a depth charge (December), were received at the CTBT IMS hydrophone stations HA10 (Ascension Island, Atlantic Ocean) and HA04 (Crozet Islands, southern Indian Ocean) at ranges greater than 6000 km. The signals propagated through different deep underwater environments along geodesic paths from the sources to the hydrophone stations. The impact of these different environments is clearly observed in the recorded signals, in particular at HA04 as strong time dispersion and low-pass filtering compared to the HA10 data. An interpretation of the signal characteristics is performed by two-dimensional propagation modelling of full time-series including spatially dependent oceanographic database information. Range-dependent bathymetry and typical warm water propagation apply towards HA10, while polar-type conditions with sea-ice extent close to Antarctica are included in the computations at HA04. An acoustic precursor to the main arrival observed at HA04 suggests that the signal partly couples into the ice sheet and partly propagates under the ice sheet. The modelling results broadly agree with observed features and point to the importance of adapting detection and classification algorithms to specific propagation paths.
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October 2019
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October 01 2019
Observation and interpretation of recorded long-range, underwater acoustic signal propagation related to the search of the Argentine submarine ARA San Juan
Peter L. Nielsen;
Peter L. Nielsen
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), Office E0565, VIC, P.O. Box 1200, Vienna 1400, Austria, [email protected]
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Georgios Haralabus
Georgios Haralabus
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), Vienna, Austria
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146, 2848 (2019)
Peter L. Nielsen, Mario Zampolli, Ronan Le Bras, Georgios Haralabus; Observation and interpretation of recorded long-range, underwater acoustic signal propagation related to the search of the Argentine submarine ARA San Juan. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 October 2019; 146 (4_Supplement): 2848.
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