In the application of musical acoustics and speech sound, almost any type of Nigerian drum is used for communication. The agreeable successions of tones unlimited to interesting beat-patterns, pitch and rhythms uses shifted accents, non-accented rhythms, syncopations etc. On the daily basis of a watermelon harvesting and trade point, musical acoustics and speech sounds are applied passively in detecting and determining a ripen watermelon; the application of the Nigerian drum beat-pattern, pitch and intonation is an efficient procedure for ripeness detection of watermelon. Depending on how the pitches are lowered or accented, the melon ripeness is detected. The pitch-pattern analysis can be used to measure, determine and correlate the internal ripeness and quality of watermelon with pitch from a Nigerian drum. This method allows identification at a 60.0 % level of efficiency. Hence, the proposed method can reliably detect watermelon ripeness.