Axial transmission ultrasonography, which uses a set of transmitting and receiving probes placed on the same waveguide’s surface, shows the potential clinical application for cortical bone quality assessment. In this work, a model-based parameter sweep inversion approach has been developed to estimate the thickness and elastic velocities of the cortex from the dispersive axially-transmitted snapshots. The inversion algorithm is formulated in the frequency-phase velocity (f-c) domain. To solve the inverse problem, i.e., to extract bone properties from ultrasound data, a forward modeling has been developed to simulate the f-c dispersion curves given a bone model. A semi-analytical finite element (SAFE) method is used to compute the dispersion curves for a complex structure of a cortical bone plate coupled with overlying soft tissues. A parameter sweep is used to seek within a range of values an optimized solution with the least misfit. The proposed method optimizes the mismatch between the measured and theoretically calculated dispersion curves with a least-square constraint. Numerical and in-vivo experimental data examples are presented to illustrate the technique’s performance.
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September 2018
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September 01 2018
Model-based inversion of ultrasonic guided waves for cortical bone properties
Tho N. Tran;
Tho N. Tran
Dept. of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging, Univ. of Alberta, Res. Transition Facility, Edmonton, AB T6G 2V2, Canada, [email protected]
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Mauricio D. Sacchi;
Mauricio D. Sacchi
Dept. of Phys., Univ. of AB, Edmonton, AB, Canada
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Dean Ta;
Dean Ta
Dept. of Electron. Eng., Fudan Univ., Shanghai, China
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Vu-Hieu Nguyen;
Vu-Hieu Nguyen
Laboratoire Modélisation et Simulation Multi Echelle UMR 8208 CNRS, Université Paris-Est, Creteil, France
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Lawrence H. Le
Lawrence H. Le
Dept. of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging, Univ. of AB, Edmonton, AB, Canada
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 144, 1821 (2018)
Tho N. Tran, Mauricio D. Sacchi, Dean Ta, Vu-Hieu Nguyen, Lawrence H. Le; Model-based inversion of ultrasonic guided waves for cortical bone properties. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 September 2018; 144 (3_Supplement): 1821.
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