Transcranial focused ultrasound (FUS) is a non-invasive therapeutic modality that can be used to treat essential tremor via local thermal ablation of a small spot in the thalamus. Acoustic energy is focused through the skull using a multi-element transducer. Per-element phase delay is derived using individual patient’s skull CT to compensate for skull heterogeneity, but MRI thermometry is still required for precise targeting and localization of the focal spot. There exists an opportunity for improved and accurate numerical simulations through skull to improve focal spot positioning and treatment, to allow treatment pre-planning, and to permit parametric studies that will identify important acoustic and thermal properties of human skull bones and tissues. Here, we report on a novel 3D numeric simulation framework, based on the CIVA Healthcare simulation platform, to simulate propagation through skulls and the resulting heating. This simulation platform has been developed to pilot various fast algorithms and to simulate the heating in tissues induced by FUS by solving Pennes’ BioHeat Transfer Equation. Simulations of propagation through human skulls with the Insightec 650 kHz clinical system, with 1024 elements, were performed and validated by comparison to experimental acoustic signals acquired with a hydrophone and to MRI thermometry data.
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September 2018
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September 01 2018
Simulation of ultrasound propagation through human skull: Experimental validation and application to treatment planning
Frederic Padilla;
Frederic Padilla
Focused Ultrasound Foundation, 151 Cours Albert Thomas, Lyon 69390, France, [email protected]
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Raphaël Loyet;
Raphaël Loyet
LabTAU INSERM U1032, Lyon, France
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David Moore;
David Moore
Focused Ultrasound Foundation, Charlottesville, VA
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Achour Ouaked;
Achour Ouaked
LabTAU INSERM U1032, Lyon, France
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John Snell;
John Snell
Focused Ultrasound Foundation, Charlottesville, VA
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Matt Eames;
Matt Eames
Focused Ultrasound Foundation, Charlottesville, VA
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SYLVAIN Chatillon;
SYLVAIN Chatillon
LIST, CEA, Gif sur yvette, France
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Cyril Lafon
Cyril Lafon
LabTAU INSERM U1032, Lyon, France
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 144, 1748 (2018)
Frederic Padilla, Raphaël Loyet, David Moore, Achour Ouaked, John Snell, Matt Eames, SYLVAIN Chatillon, Cyril Lafon; Simulation of ultrasound propagation through human skull: Experimental validation and application to treatment planning. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 September 2018; 144 (3_Supplement): 1748.
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