Fin whale vocalizations were recorded south of Rhode Island during late summer through early fall of 2015 using a number of underwater recording systems. These systems were deployed to monitor broadband noise, including pile driving, from construction of the Block Island Wind Farm. Two vertical hydrophone array moorings were deployed in approximately 40 m of water each with four hydrophones. Additionally, a tetrahedral array was deployed in about 30 m of water just above the seabed. The tetrahedral array consisted of four hydrophones spaced 0.5 m apart. The spacing between each of these recording systems was approximately 7.5 km. 20-Hz fin whale vocalizations were recorded numerous times on all of the sensors both during and after construction was completed. An analysis and localization effort of these signals was performed to estimate the source level, directionality and the track of the whale over the period of the vocalizations. The results of this analysis will be discussed. [Work supported by the BOEM.]