Edwin Lorenz Carstensen was son to Opal and August, husband to Pam, father to five, grandfather to seven, and great-grandfather to two. Each and every one of us, along with many more extended family members, feel extraordinarily privileged to be associated with him. We fully appreciate that Ed Carstensen was a giant in his scientific discipline. Know also that he achieved all that he did while showing unfailing grace and full dedication to a devoted, and challenging, family. In the relatively short time since he died, we have learned about scores of qualities you admired in the scientist. In this talk, I hope to share with you the many similarities between the scientist and the father. He was invariably kind and gently critical in ways that clarified our thinking. He was insatiably curious about everything in which we showed an interest, and he encouraged us to be better people simply by believing that we were. I asked him once how he possibly managed to accomplish all that he had professionally with five children running around the house. He smiled and said, “Oh, about 50 papers never made it out the door.” We’ll need to count on you all for those.
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May 2017
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May 01 2017
Edwin L. Carstensen, the father
Laura L. Carstensen
Laura L. Carstensen
Psych., Stanford Univ., Bldg. 420, Jordan Hall, Stanford, CA 94305, [email protected]
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 141, 3790 (2017)
Laura L. Carstensen; Edwin L. Carstensen, the father. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 May 2017; 141 (5_Supplement): 3790. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.4988352
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