A tank experiment is being conducted to explore sound propagation in a continuously stratified ocean containing internal gravity waves that produce fluctuations in acoustic signals. The tank is filled with water of increasing salinity with increasing depth in the fluid; the variation in salinity results in a 150 m/s variation of the sound speed over the 50 cm-depth fluid. Sound arrival times determined in three-dimensional hydrophone scans map out the sound diffraction pattern in the stratified fluid. Good agreement is found between the measurements and results obtained from wavefront modeling by ray acoustics. Sound fluctuations produced by internal waves are measured for several acoustic track locations and at different phases of the internal waves that radiate from a mechanical wave generator. Internal wave fields measured by particle image velocimetry provide input for a parabolic equation model, which is used to predict the sound fluctuations for comparison with measurements. This research is designed to improve the understanding and modeling of sound propagation and scattering by internal waves in the realistic oceans. [Research support: The 2013-14 ASA F. V. Hunt Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (L. Zhang) and ONR MURI Grant N000141110701 (WHOI).]
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April 2015
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April 01 2015
Laboratory measurements of sound propagation in a continuously stratified ocean containing internal waves
Likun Zhang;
Likun Zhang
Ctr. for Nonlinear Dynam., Univ. of Texas at Austin, 2515 Speedway, Stop C1610, Austin, TX 78712-1199, [email protected]
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Harry L. Swinney;
Harry L. Swinney
Ctr. for Nonlinear Dynam., Univ. of Texas at Austin, 2515 Speedway, Stop C1610, Austin, TX 78712-1199, [email protected]
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Ying-Tsong Lin
Ying-Tsong Lin
Appl. Ocean Phys. & Eng., Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst., Woods Hole, MA
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137, 2391 (2015)
Likun Zhang, Harry L. Swinney, Ying-Tsong Lin; Laboratory measurements of sound propagation in a continuously stratified ocean containing internal waves. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 April 2015; 137 (4_Supplement): 2391. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.4920702
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