Formant trajectories of five American English diphthongs embedded in the target words BAIT (/EY/), BITE (/AY/), POUT (/AW/), BOAT (/OU/), BOYS (/OY/) are investigated in the first two formant space as a function of age and gender. Age range considered is from 5 to 18 years. In this report, the focus is given on the differences in position between the start/end points of diphthongs and nine monophthongs. Averaged formant data across subjects in each age group are examined for this purpose. Two findings are worth mentioning. First, across all age groups, the start and end positions of diphthongs hardly match with the monophthongs that are typically used to transcribe the diphthongs across all age groups [cf. Holbrook and Fairbanks (1962)]. For instance, the start position of /EY/ is closer to /I/ than to /e/, and the end points of /EY, AY, OY/ are significantly different with respect to each other. Second, in addition to the larger size of vowel space, an overshoot trend toward the nominal end points of diphthongs is the most prominent developmental trend. That is, formant values of diphthongs produced by younger age children are closer to the nominal monophthongs used to transcribe the diphthongs.