Muriel Kauffman Theatre, the horseshoe-style proscenium theater in the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in Kansas City, Missouri, opened in September, 2011. The 1800-seat theater was designed by the architect Moshe Safdie, and serves as the principal residence of both the Kansas City Ballet, and the Lyric Opera of Kansas City. Since ballet and opera performance were programmed as the primary use, the primary focus of the room acoustical design was to provide good natural acoustics for singers on the stage, and for the orchestra in the pit. This was achieved through careful study on the shape of the room. The walls surrounding the stage and proscenium, and the configuration of the ceiling were among the primary aspects of the room shape which were studied, as well as flexible room acoustics for programs with using amplified sound, such as pop music and spoken-word programs. The acoustical design and characteristics of the Muriel Kauffman Theatre are reported.