Active noise reduction (ANR) for aircrew hearing protection in harsh noise environments such as military and civilian flight operations requires a high‐performance, microsized driver that provides not only high acoustic power, at least 130 dB SPL, but also high fidelity sound quality, especially in low‐frequency ranges below 100 Hz. A new microsized smart material actuator (MSMA) is being developed by using high‐density and direct‐conversion piezoelectric exciters combined with a unique acoustic structure, unlike conventional moving coil/magnet‐type drivers. The dimensions of the MSMA are 6 mm in diameter by 7 mm long, small enough for ear‐canal application as an earplug driver, maximizing ANR effectiveness. The MSMA system consists of a microscale earplug driver, a protective package made of medical‐grade stainless steel, and a compact actuation amplifier easily connected to or embedded in an external ANR controller. Performance tests show the system produces over 130 dB SPL in a 1 cc trapped cylindrical volume with very flat frequency responses even below 100 Hz. The total harmonic distortion of the MSMA is lower than 4% over all audible frequency ranges, without phase delay or discontinuities.
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May 2008
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May 01 2008
High‐Output and High‐Fidelity Microsized Driver System
Keehoon Kim;
Keehoon Kim
Physical Optics Corporation, 20600 Gramercy Pl #103, Torrance, CA 90501, USA, [email protected]
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Tao Xu;
Tao Xu
Physical Optics Corporation, 20600 Gramercy Pl #103, Torrance, CA 90501, USA, [email protected]
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Reginald Daniels
Reginald Daniels
Air Force Research Laboratory, 2610 Seventh St. Bldg 441, Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433, USA, [email protected]
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123, 3642 (2008)
Keehoon Kim, Tao Xu, Reginald Daniels; High‐Output and High‐Fidelity Microsized Driver System. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 May 2008; 123 (5_Supplement): 3642.
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