Predicting the sound pressure level at a workplace requires in‐situ characterization of the facings. This work describes a new method for the measurement of the sound absorption coefficient of flat panels present in industrial halls. In such room, it is necessary to separate the echo coming from the studied panel from the others due to the entire reverberation. This separation has been achieved in space by an acoustic array and in time by an impulse sound source. The array processing uses a multipolar weighting to achieve a directivity constant with frequency and with attenuated side lobes. This weighting requires a limited number of microphones. The impulse source has been designed using the inverse impulse response from the emission system (equalizer, amplifier, loudspeaker). This inverse filtering technique allows equalizing the response of the emission system in order to radiate very short pulses. Sound absorption coefficient of several flat facings have been evaluated by mean of this new device in a semi‐anechoic chamber and in an industrial hall designed for testing. The results show a good agreement with others techniques except at low frequencies for which the array length is too small and the absorption coefficients too low.