Several techniques of signal processing were introduced in ultrasonics NDT field. In thin samples the reflected signals are overlapping thus making detection of defects in these samples and accurate measurements impossible. It is thus necessary to enhance the visibility of the defect echo by signal processing techniques. In this context, we develop signal processing tools allowing detecting and locating the imperfections present in these materials. In this paper, we contribute by the development of some signal processing techniques based on time frequency and high resolution algorithms in order to enhance the resolution of flaw detection and to measure thin materials thickness. 1‐ We propose to implement temporal versions of methods known as high resolution like MUSIC, Root MUSIC and Eigen vectors method. These methods allow frequencies extraction in the case of the complex signals drowned in noise. 2‐ We apply time‐frequency algorithms based on STFT, Wigner‐Ville, Gabor transform on thin materials thickness measurement. A comparative study is carried out between all of these algorithms and is applied in separation of closer flaw echoes and thin materials thickness measurement. Satisfactory results are obtained with Gabor transform in measurement of few tenth (0.1) mm.
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May 2008
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May 01 2008
Flaw detection and thin materials thickness measurement using time frequency and high resolution algorithms
Redouane Drai;
Redouane Drai
Image and signal processing laboratory. Welding and NDT Centre, Route de Dely‐Ibrahim, BP 64, Chéraga, 16035 Alger, Algeria, [email protected]
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Mohamed Khelil;
Mohamed Khelil
ENSIM ‐ LAUM, Université du Maine, rue Aristote, 72085 Le Mans, France, mohamed.khelil@univ‐
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Fouzia Megherbi;
Fouzia Megherbi
Welding and Control Research Center, Route de Dely‐Ibrahim, B.P 64, Chéraga, 16035 Algiers, Algeria, [email protected]
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Abdelsaalam Benammar
Abdelsaalam Benammar
Image and signal processing laboratory. Welding and NDT Centre, Route de Dely‐Ibrahim, BP 64, Chéraga, 16035 Alger, Algeria, [email protected]
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123, 3082 (2008)
Redouane Drai, Mohamed Khelil, Fouzia Megherbi, Abdelsaalam Benammar; Flaw detection and thin materials thickness measurement using time frequency and high resolution algorithms. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 May 2008; 123 (5_Supplement): 3082.
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