The target strength of objects placed in water and partially buried in the sediment are calculated by means of a boundary element solver. For this reason, a boundary element code with suitable pre‐ and postprocessor is developed. With the help of the preprocessor, the scattering objects within the transition range between fluid and sediment can be modeled. The preprocessor can manage large and complex meshes (more than 100<th>000 elements) and is able to import NASTRAN and ANSYS mesh‐files. It automatically generates closed geometric meshes. These meshes are used as database for the BEM calculations. For reducing computing time, the boundary element solver runs on a high number of personal computers in parallel equipped with Windows‐ or Linux‐operating systems. These calculator hosts will receive their task from the preprocessor using TCP/IP‐based interprocess communication. The parallel calculations can be performed as a service in the background and remotely administrated by the postprocessor. The postprocessor polls the results from the calculator hosts, delivers them to the appropriate projects, and provides visualization and analysis of the results. The efficiency of such a parallel processing boundary element package will be demonstrated for the acoustic scattering at simple test objects consisting of a high number of surface elements.
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November 2006
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November 01 2006
The design of a boundary element package for treating acoustic scattering from buried objects
Ralf Burgschweiger;
Ralf Burgschweiger
Univ. of Appl. Sci., Dept. of Mathematics, Phys., Chemistry, TFH Berlin Luxemburger Strasse 10, D‐13353 Berlin, Germany
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Martin Ochmann;
Martin Ochmann
Univ. of Appl. Sci., Dept. of Mathematics, Phys., Chemistry, TFH Berlin Luxemburger Strasse 10, D‐13353 Berlin, Germany
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Bodo Nolte
Bodo Nolte
Federal Armed Forces Underwater Acoust. and Marine Geophys. Res. Inst. (FWG), D‐24148 Kiel, Germany
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120, 3143 (2006)
Ralf Burgschweiger, Martin Ochmann, Bodo Nolte; The design of a boundary element package for treating acoustic scattering from buried objects. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 November 2006; 120 (5_Supplement): 3143.
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