When somebody knocks on a plate‐shaped object, the first antisymmetric Lamb wave is created, propagates, and is reflected a lot before vanishing. It has been recently shown [Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 204104 (2005)] that if the wave is recorded by an accelerometer, it is possible to deduce the knock position thanks to a cross‐correlation technique. Now it is of interest to be able to simulate the wave field created in such experiments, for example in order to study the influence of various parameters, or possibly to try to replace the learning phase of this localization technique by a numerical prediction of the impulse responses. Therefore, in this talk, a finite difference code is presented, simulating the A0 wave in the frequency range excited by a knock on a plate, i.e., [0, 10 kHz]. It is based on a new wave equation of the flexural wave, which takes into account shear correction. Experiments on plates have been carried out to validate the simulation. It is shown that the spectrum of the experimental waves of this reverberant cavity is the same as the simulated one. [This work was financially supported by the TAICHI European project.]