Roadways have been constructed out of concrete pavements in the United States since the late 1800s. Numerous surface textures have been produced including burlap drag, astroturf, uniformly and random transverse tined, longitudinally tined, and both profile and whisper diamond grinding processes. Each surface evolved for specific reasons during the historical development of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements (PCCP).This paper reviews the development of these various surface texture types and the reasons for their evolution. In addition, results from both far field and near field acoustic testing are presented to evaluate the ‘‘acoustic’’ performance of these surfaces over time.For five surface types, 1/24 octave analysis were conducted on CPX data obtained with a single tire. The spectrum of each of these surface types is presented for comparison. For three of the surfaces, speed gradient testing, ranging between 25–75 MPH was conducted. 1/24 octave analysis of each of these runs was conducted so that that any speed induced spectrum shifts could be observed.The results to date indicate that the adverse tonal properties of some PCCP surfaces can be eliminated through diamond grinding and prevented by not constructing transverse tined PCCP.