The response of an externally force‐driven master dynamic system is examined under two conditions. In the first, the master dynamic system is in isolation and the (quadratic) response is stated in terms of its stored energy E00(ω), where (ω) is the (angular) frequency. In the second, the master dynamic system is passively coupled to an adjunct dynamic system that is not externally driven. The response of the master dynamic system, that is subjected to the same external force drive, is changed due to the couplings. The change is from E00(ω), in isolation, to E0(ω), when coupled. The induced noise control parameter ξ(ω) is then defined: ξ(ω)=[E0(ω)/E00(ω)]. The smaller ξ(ω) is, the more benefit, by the couplings, is accrued to the noise control of the master dynamic system. When ξ(ω) exceeds unity, by definition, an induced noise control reversal occurs. Illustrations of an induced noise control are provided in terms of a master dynamic system represented by an (harmonic) oscillator and an adjunct dynamic system represented by a set of satellite (harmonic) oscillators. The satellite oscillators are not coupled to each other; they are individually coupled to the master oscillator only. A coupling may include a combination of mass, stiffness, and gyroscopic elements.
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April 2003
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April 01 2003
A proposed definition for the induced noise control parameter
G. Maidanik;
G. Maidanik
NSWCCD (DTMB), Code 7030, 9500 MacArthur Blvd., West Bethesda, MD 20817
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K. J. Becker
K. J. Becker
NSWCCD (DTMB), Code 7030, 9500 MacArthur Blvd., West Bethesda, MD 20817
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 113, 2227 (2003)
G. Maidanik, K. J. Becker; A proposed definition for the induced noise control parameter. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 April 2003; 113 (4_Supplement): 2227.
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