Software has been developed which enables users to perform time‐varying spectral analysis of individual musical tones or successions of them and to perform further processing of the data. The package, called sndan, is freely available in source code, uses EPS graphics for display, and is written in ansic for ease of code modification and extension. Two analyzers, a fixed‐filter‐bank phase vocoder (‘‘pvan’’) and a frequency‐tracking analyzer (‘‘mqan’’) constitute the analysis front end of the package. While pvan’s output consists of continuous amplitudes and frequencies of harmonics, mqan produces disjoint ‘‘tracks.’’ However, another program extracts a fundamental frequency and separates harmonics from the tracks, resulting in a continuous harmonic output. ‘‘monan’’ is a program used to display harmonic data in a variety of formats, perform various spectral modifications, and perform additive resynthesis of the harmonic partials, including possible pitch‐shifting and time‐scaling. Sounds can also be synthesized according to a musical score using a companion synthesis language, Music 4C. Several other programs in the sndan suite can be used for specialized tasks, such as signal display and editing. Applications of the software include producing specialized sounds for music compositions or psychoacoustic experiments or as a basis for developing new synthesis algorithms.