With the ever increasing popularity and proliferation of outdoor amphitheaters and the advent of more powerful amplification systems serving high‐energy performing groups, nearby residents are inevitably threatened by higher sound levels. To address these concerns, acoustical consultants have specified monitoring systems that must use simple metrics for the management and control of music facility sound emissions. These metrics must be pragmatic; the visiting artist and sound engineer, the concert promoter, the concert facility management personnel, and even local regulatory personnel must be able to easily understand and interpret their meaning. Furthermore, the management system must accommodate rapid real‐time implementation of necessary management control measures and store accurate, permanent, electronic records for future reference. This paper describes the evolution of the Grozier sound level management systems that use simple, accurate metrics developed for several amphitheater venues with diverse local conditions and requirements.
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November 2000
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November 01 2000
Evolution of metrics used in ‘‘real world’’ concert sound level management systems
Richard G. Cann
Richard G. Cann
Grozier Technical Systems, Inc., 157 Salisbury Rd., Brookline, MA 02145
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 108, 2565 (2000)
Richard G. Cann; Evolution of metrics used in ‘‘real world’’ concert sound level management systems. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 November 2000; 108 (5_Supplement): 2565. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.4743528
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