Medial movements of the lateral pharyngeal wall at the level of the velopharyngeal port were examined by using a computerized ultrasound system. Subjects produced CVNVC sequences involving all combinations of the vowels /a/ and /u/ and the nasal consonants /n/ and /m/. The effects of both vowels on the CVN and NVC gestures (opening and closing of the velopharyngeal port, respectively) were assessed in terms of movement amplitude, duration, and movement onset time. The amplitude of both opening and closing gestures of the lateral pharyngeal wall was less in the context of the vowel /u/ than the vowel /a/. In addition, the onset of the opening gesture towards the nasal consonant was related to the identity of both the initial and the final vowels. The characteristics of the functional coupling of the velum and lateral pharyngeal wall in speech are discussed.
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September 1986
September 01 1986
Superior lateral pharyngeal wall movements in speech
Avraham Parush;
Avraham Parush
McGill University, Department of Psychology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1B1
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David J. Ostry
David J. Ostry
McGill University, Department of Psychology, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 1B1
Search for other works by this author on:
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 80, 749–756 (1986)
Article history
August 23 1984
May 28 1986
Avraham Parush, David J. Ostry; Superior lateral pharyngeal wall movements in speech. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 September 1986; 80 (3): 749–756.
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