An ambient narrow‐frequency‐band acoustic field is described by the power density function N (cos ϑ), with ϑ the bearing angle from a line array of sensors. This field is observed through a conventional delay‐and‐sum beamformer, with average power output B (cos φ) when steered to bearing φ. We present a method (spectrum restoration) for obtaining the (wavenumber) bandlimited version of N from observed values of B. We consider only uniformly spaced arrays, and treat two computationally distinct situations: Δ < λ/2 and Δ ? λ/2, where λ is the wavelength of the narrow‐band field incident on the array and Δ is the array element spacing. In the former case, our method is only approximate; however, it can be carried through computationally, in contrast with methods proposed earlier, which in general succeed only for the case Δ ? λ/2. Computational results are presented for a variety of simulated noise fields, indicating sharper resolution and decreased side‐lobe levels in the obtained field restoration, as compared with the beamformer response.

Subject Classification: 60.20.

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