Folded Markov sequences provide a tool for the examination of the depth of processing sequential information. The effect of diffusing random sequences within folded Markov sequences was studied for finite‐state interval‐coded auditory pulse trains. Random sequences actively interfere with the discrimination of folded Markov sequences: Their effect is greater than simply deleting an equivalent number of intervals from the folded Markov sequence, or of extending the equivalent depth of folding. Random sequences provide effective interference, primarily because they fail to provide differential information for discrimination. Nondifferential nonrandom sequences also produce interference. In addition, it is shown that discrimination of folded Markov sequences is nearly independent of the number of possible states of the sequence under conditions of equivalent uncertainty. The apparent depth of sequential processing is virtually unlimited; the necessary condition is that each depth of folding be represented by about five samples.
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October 1970
October 01 1970
Depth of Sequential Auditory Information Processing: II
Irwin Pollack
Irwin Pollack
Mental Health Research Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 48, 906–912 (1970)
Article history
March 30 1970
Irwin Pollack; Depth of Sequential Auditory Information Processing: II. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 October 1970; 48 (4B): 906–912.
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