It is shown that the (force‐voltage, velocity‐current) mechanical‐electrical analogy yields circuit equations for an electrostatic electromechanical transducer which satisfy the reciprocity theorem, while the (force‐current, velocity‐voltage) analogy acts similarly for a magnetic transducer. Reversing the two analogies between the two types of transducers yields (in both cases) equations which violate the reciprocity theorem in sign but not in magnitude. These conclusions indicate proper coordinate choices in applying Lagrange's equations to such systems. It is also shown that McMillan's “one‐way” four‐terminal network (see reference 1) is equivalent to a simple, class A vacuum‐tube amplifier having an amplification factor of approximately two.
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September 1947
September 01 1947
Coordinates and the Reciprocity Theorem in Electromechanical Systems
John W. Miles
John W. Miles
Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles, California
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 19, 910–913 (1947)
Article history
July 07 1947
John W. Miles; Coordinates and the Reciprocity Theorem in Electromechanical Systems. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 September 1947; 19 (5): 910–913.
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