Arteriosclerosis is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and results in arterial vessel stiffening. Velocity estimation of the pulse wave sent by the heart and propagating into the arteries is a widely accepted biomarker. This symmetrical pulse wave propagates at a speed which is related to the Young's modulus through the Moens Korteweg (MK) equation. Recently, an antisymmetric flexural wave has been observed in vivo. Unlike the symmetrical wave, it is highly dispersive. This property offers promising applications for monitoring arterial stiffness and early detection of atheromatous plaque. However, as far as it is known, no equivalent of the MK equation exists for flexural pulse waves. To bridge this gap, a beam based theory was developed, and approximate analytical solutions were reached. An experiment in soft polymer artery phantoms was built to observe the dispersion of flexural waves. A good agreement was found between the analytical expression derived from beam theory and experiments. Moreover, numerical simulations validated wave speed dependence on the elastic and geometric parameters at low frequencies. Clinical applications, such as arterial age estimation and arterial pressure measurement, are foreseen.
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May 02 2024
Flexural pulse wave velocity in blood vessels
Sibylle Gregoire
Sibylle Gregoire
LabTAU, INSERM, Université Lyon 1
, Lyon 69003, France
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Gabrielle Laloy-Borgna
Gabrielle Laloy-Borgna
ImPhys, Technische Universiteit Delft
, Delft 2628 CJ, The Netherlands
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Johannes Aichele
Johannes Aichele
Institute of Geophysics, ETH Zurich
, Zürich 8092, Switzerland
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Fabrice Lemoult
Fabrice Lemoult
Institut Langevin, CNRS, Université PSL
, Paris 75005, France
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Stefan Catheline
Stefan Catheline
LabTAU, INSERM, Université Lyon 1
, Lyon 69003, France
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Email: [email protected]
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 155, 2948–2958 (2024)
Article history
December 22 2023
April 11 2024
Sibylle Gregoire, Gabrielle Laloy-Borgna, Johannes Aichele, Fabrice Lemoult, Stefan Catheline; Flexural pulse wave velocity in blood vessels. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 May 2024; 155 (5): 2948–2958.
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