In classical singing, there are often problems with the intelligibility of sung text. The present study aims to test the hypotheses that (1) in loud operatic singing, compared with speaking, the intensity of voiceless plosives increases less than the intensity of vowels, leading to poorer recognition of plosives; and (2) pronouncing the plosive bursts with greater intensity improves their recognition. The acoustic analysis of nine opera arias in Italian from the Classical and Romantic periods performed by ten classically trained singers showed that the average difference in the intensity of vowels when sung and spoken was 14.6 dB [standard deviation (SD) = 7.2 dB], while the difference in the intensity of voiceless plosive bursts was only 6.6 dB (SD = 6 dB). In a perception test with 73 participants, increasing the intensity of the plosive bursts generally improved the recognition of plosives in the sung /a–plosive–a/ sequences, but mainly when reverberation and/or pink noise imitating instrumental accompaniments were added to the stimuli. At the same time, recognition of plosives was often better than chance even when the plosive burst was missing and replaced by silence.
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October 2023
October 25 2023
The intensities of vowels and plosive bursts and their impact on text intelligibility in singinga)
Allan Vurma
Allan Vurma
Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
, Tallinn, 10116, Estonia
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Einar Meister
Einar Meister
Tallinn University of Technology
, Tallinn, 19086, Estonia
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Lya Meister
Lya Meister
Tallinn University of Technology
, Tallinn, 19086, Estonia
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Jaan Ross
Jaan Ross
Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
, Tallinn, 10116, Estonia
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Marju Raju
Marju Raju
Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
, Tallinn, 10116, Estonia
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Veeda Kala;
Veeda Kala
Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
, Tallinn, 10116, Estonia
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Tuuri Dede
Tuuri Dede
Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
, Tallinn, 10116, Estonia
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Parts of this study were presented at the 35th Finnic Phonetics Symposium, August 25–26, 2022, Joensuu, at the annual virtual conference of the Collegium Medicorum Theatri, November 11–13, 2022, Tel Aviv, and at the Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies annual conference, May 12–13, 2022.
Email: [email protected]
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 154, 2653–2664 (2023)
Article history
March 30 2023
October 05 2023
Allan Vurma, Einar Meister, Lya Meister, Jaan Ross, Marju Raju, Veeda Kala, Tuuri Dede; The intensities of vowels and plosive bursts and their impact on text intelligibility in singing. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 October 2023; 154 (4): 2653–2664.
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