Beam tracing is an extension of ray tracing that constructs beams around the central rays radiating from a source. Typically, a fan of such beams is used to represent a point source and the field at any given location is computed by coherently summing all contributing beams. On a slightly superficial level, one points to the following key benefits: (1) improved accuracy because the beams smooth out singularities of the ray-theoretic field, and (2) algorithmic advantages because eigenrays precisely connecting the source and the receiver do not need to be identified. One may argue about these considerations; however, beam tracing methods have emerged as a very important class of methods for computing ocean acoustic fields. Interestingly, the published literature has not kept up with the numerous advances in beam tracing, including algorithmic developments that are important to efficient and robust implementations. Furthermore, there are quite a few variants of beam tracing algorithms with very different characteristics. This article discusses these variants, significant advances in practical implementation, and performance characteristics.
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September 2019
October 01 2019
Beam tracing for two- and three-dimensional problems in ocean acoustics
Special Collection:
3D Underwater Acoustics
Michael B. Porter
Michael B. Porter
Heat, Light, and Sound Research, Inc.
, San Diego, California 92130, USA
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Electronic mail: [email protected]
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146, 2016–2029 (2019)
Article history
January 10 2019
May 30 2019
Michael B. Porter; Beam tracing for two- and three-dimensional problems in ocean acoustics. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 September 2019; 146 (3): 2016–2029.
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