The possibility of asymmetric absorption and reflection for flexural waves is demonstrated through analytical and numerical examples. The emphasis is on the one-dimensional (1D) case of flexural motion of a beam for which combinations of point scatterers are considered, which together provide asymmetric scattering. The scatterers are attached damped oscillators characterized by effective impedances, analogous to effective configurations in 1D acoustic waveguides. By selecting the impedances of a pair of closely spaced scatterers it is shown that it is possible to obtain almost total absorption for incidence on one side, with almost total reflection if incident from the other side. The one-way absorption is illustrated through numerous examples of impedance pairs that satisfy the necessary conditions for zero reflectivity for incidence from one direction. Examples of almost total and zero reflection for different incidences are examined in detail, showing the distinct wave dynamics of flexural waves as compared with acoustics.
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July 2019
July 31 2019
Non-symmetric flexural wave scattering and one-way extreme absorption
Special Collection:
Non-reciprocal and Topological Wave Phenomena in Acoustics
Andrew N. Norris;
Andrew N. Norris
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Rutgers University
, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854-8058, USA
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Pawel Packo
Pawel Packo
Department of Robotics and Mechatronics, AGH—University of Science and Technology
, Al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
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Electronic mail: [email protected]
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 146, 873–883 (2019)
Article history
August 22 2018
December 13 2018
Andrew N. Norris, Pawel Packo; Non-symmetric flexural wave scattering and one-way extreme absorption. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 July 2019; 146 (1): 873–883.
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