Although the maximum length sequence (MLS) and iterative randomized stimulation and averaging (I-RSA) methods allow auditory brainstem response (ABR) measurements at high rates, it is not clear if high rates allow ABRs of a given quality to be measured in less time than conventional (CONV) averaging (i.e., fixed interstimulus intervals) at lower rates. In the present study, ABR signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was examined in six bottlenose dolphins as a function of measurement time and click rate using CONV averaging at rates of 25 and 100 Hz and the MLS/I-RSA approaches at rates from 100 to 1250 Hz. Residual noise in the averaged ABR was estimated using (1) waveform amplitude following the ABR, (2) waveform amplitude after subtracting two subaverage ABRs (i.e., the “±average”), and (3) amplitude variance at a single time point. Results showed that high stimulus rates can be used to obtain dolphin ABRs with a desired SNR in less time than CONV averaging. Optimal SNRs occurred at rates of 500–750 Hz, but were only a few dB higher than that for CONV averaging at 100 Hz. Nonetheless, a 1-dB improvement in SNR could result in a 25% time savings in reaching criterion SNR.
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February 2019
February 28 2019
Signal-to-noise ratio of auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) across click rate in the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
James J. Finneran;
James J. Finneran
United States Navy Marine Mammal Program, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center
Pacific Code 71510, 53560 Hull Street, San Diego, California 92152, USA
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Jason Mulsow;
Jason Mulsow
National Marine Mammal Foundation
, 2240 Shelter Island Drive Number 200, San Diego, California 92106, USA
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Robert F. Burkard
Robert F. Burkard
Department of Rehabilitation Science, University at Buffalo
, 626 Kimball Tower, Buffalo, New York 14214, USA
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Electronic mail: [email protected]
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 145, 1143–1151 (2019)
Article history
October 07 2018
February 05 2019
James J. Finneran, Jason Mulsow, Robert F. Burkard; Signal-to-noise ratio of auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) across click rate in the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 February 2019; 145 (2): 1143–1151.
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