This study investigated the influence of visual speech information on perceptual processing of neurologically degraded speech. Fifty listeners identified spastic dysarthric speech under both audio (A) and audiovisual (AV) conditions. Condition comparisons revealed that the addition of visual speech information enhanced processing of the neurologically degraded input in terms of (a) acuity (percent phonemes correct) of vowels and consonants and (b) recognition (percent words correct) of predictive and nonpredictive phrases. Listeners exploited stress-based segmentation strategies more readily in AV conditions, suggesting that the perceptual benefit associated with adding visual speech information to the auditory signal—the AV advantage—has both segmental and suprasegmental origins. Results also revealed that the magnitude of the AV advantage can be predicted, to some degree, by the extent to which an individual utilizes syllabic stress cues to inform word recognition in AV conditions. Findings inform the development of a listener-specific model of speech perception that applies to processing of dysarthric speech in everyday communication contexts.
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March 2015
March 01 2015
Visual speech information: A help or hindrance in perceptual processing of dysarthric speech
Stephanie A. Borrie
Stephanie A. Borrie
Department of Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education,
Utah State University
, Logan, Utah 84322
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected]
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 137, 1473–1480 (2015)
Article history
June 02 2014
January 21 2015
Stephanie A. Borrie; Visual speech information: A help or hindrance in perceptual processing of dysarthric speech. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 March 2015; 137 (3): 1473–1480.
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