Developmental trends of durational and spectral parameters of five American English diphthongs are investigated by age and gender. Specifically, diphthong durations, the fundamental frequency (F0), and the first three formant (F1, F2, F3) trajectories as well as formant transition rates are analyzed as a function of age, gender and diphthong type. In addition, the distance between diphthong onset and offset positions and those of nearby monophthongs in the formant space is computed and age-dependent trends are presented. Furthermore, a spectral transition mid-point is estimated for a given diphthong trajectory and normalized time durations from onsets to mid-points are analyzed as a function of age and diphthong type. Finally, diphthong classification results using formant-related parameters are reported. Results show the expected age-dependent reductions of diphthong duration, fundamental frequency, onset and offset formant values, and formant transition rate. More interestingly, it is evident that speakers adjust onset and offset positions of diphthongs with respect to monophthongs as a function of age. Normalized duration of the first demisyllable segment is found to be different among diphthongs and that younger children spend more time in the first segment. The implications for diphthong development and the onset-offset definition of diphthongs are discussed in detail.
Developmental acoustic study of American English diphthongsa)
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected]
Also at School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou 15780, Greece
Portions of this work were presented in “A developmental acoustic characterization of English diphthongs,” Acoustical Society of America meeting, New York, NY, May 2004 and in “Developmental aspects of American English diphthong trajectories in the F1-F2 plane,” ICA Meeting Program 2013, Montreal, Canada, June 2013.
Sungbok Lee, Alexandros Potamianos, Shrikanth Narayanan; Developmental acoustic study of American English diphthongs. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 October 2014; 136 (4): 1880–1894.
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