Second moments of mode amplitudes at fixed frequency as a function of separations in mode number, time, and horizontal distance are investigated using mode-based transport equations and Monte Carlo simulation. These second moments are used to study full-field acoustic coherence, including depth separations. Calculations for low-order modes between 50 and 250 Hz are presented using a deep-water Philippine Sea environment. Comparisons between Monte Carlo simulations and transport theory for time and depth coherence at frequencies of 75 and 250 Hz and for ranges up to 500 km show good agreement. The theory is used to examine the accuracy of the adiabatic and quadratic lag approximations, and the range and frequency scaling of coherence. It is found that while temporal coherence has a dominant adiabatic component, horizontal and vertical coherence have more equal contributions from coupling and adiabatic effects. In addition, the quadratic lag approximation is shown to be most accurate at higher frequencies and longer ranges. Last the range and frequency scalings are found to be sensitive to the functional form of the exponential decay of coherence with lag, but temporal and horizontal coherence show scalings that fall quite close to the well-known inverse frequency and inverse square root range laws.
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October 2013
October 01 2013
Coupled mode transport theory for sound transmission through an ocean with random sound speed perturbations: Coherence in deep water environments
John A. Colosi;
John A. Colosi
Department of Oceanography, Naval Postgraduate School
, Monterey, California 93943
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Tarun K. Chandrayadula;
Tarun K. Chandrayadula
Department of Oceanography, Naval Postgraduate School
, Monterey, California 93943
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Alexander G. Voronovich;
Alexander G. Voronovich
NOAA/Earth Systems Research Laboratory
, Boulder, Colorado 80303
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Vladimir E. Ostashev
Vladimir E. Ostashev
NOAA/Earth Systems Research Laboratory
, Boulder, Colorado 80303
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected]
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134, 3119–3133 (2013)
Article history
February 13 2012
July 30 2012
John A. Colosi, Tarun K. Chandrayadula, Alexander G. Voronovich, Vladimir E. Ostashev; Coupled mode transport theory for sound transmission through an ocean with random sound speed perturbations: Coherence in deep water environments. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 October 2013; 134 (4): 3119–3133.
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