The noise source mechanisms involved in motorcycling include various aerodynamic sources and engine noise. The problem of noise source identification requires extensive data acquisition of a type and level that have not previously been applied. Data acquisition on track and on road are problematic due to rider safety constraints and the portability of appropriate instrumentation. One way to address this problem is the use of data from wind tunnel tests. The validity of these measurements for noise source identification must first be demonstrated. In order to achieve this extensive wind tunnel tests have been conducted and compared with the results from on-track measurements. Sound pressure levels as a function of speed were compared between on track and wind tunnel tests and were found to be comparable. Spectral conditioning techniques were applied to separate engine and wind tunnel noise from aerodynamic noise and showed that the aerodynamic components were equivalent in both cases. The spectral conditioning of on-track data showed that the contribution of engine noise to the overall noise is a function of speed and is more significant than had previously been thought. These procedures form a basis for accurate experimental measurements of motorcycle noise.
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September 2013
September 01 2013
On-road and wind-tunnel measurement of motorcycle helmet noise
J. Kennedy;
J. Kennedy
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Trinity College
, Dublin 2, Ireland
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M. Carley;
M. Carley
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Bath
, Bath, BA2 7AY, United Kingdom
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I. Walker;
I. Walker
Department of Psychology,
University of Bath
, Bath, BA2 7AY, United Kingdom
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N. Holt
N. Holt
Institute of Human Science, Penbryn 5, Penglais Campus, University of Aberystwyth
, Ceredigion, Wales, SY233UX, United Kingdom
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected]
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134, 2004–2010 (2013)
Article history
June 30 2011
July 24 2013
J. Kennedy, M. Carley, I. Walker, N. Holt; On-road and wind-tunnel measurement of motorcycle helmet noise. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 September 2013; 134 (3): 2004–2010.
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