Although the majority of studies on community noise levels and children's physiological stress responses are positive, effect sizes vary considerably, and some studies do not confirm these effects. Employing a contextual perspective congruent with soundscapes, a carefully constructed sample of children (N = 115, M = 10.1 yr) living in households in relatively high (>60 dBA) or low (<50 dBA) noise areas created by proximity to major traffic arterials in Austria was reanalyzed. Several personal and environmental factors known to affect resting cardiovascular parameters measured under well-controlled, clinical conditions were incorporated into the analyses. Children with premature births and elevated chronic stress (i.e., overnight cortisol) were more susceptible to adverse blood pressure responses to road traffic noise. Residence in a multi-dwelling unit as well as standardized assessments of perceived quietness of the area did not modify the traffic noise impacts but each had its own, independent effect on resting blood pressure. A primary air pollutant associated with traffic volume (NO2) had no influence on any of these results. The scope of environmental noise assessment and management would benefit from incorporation of a more contextualized approach as suggested by the soundscape perspective.
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July 2013
July 11 2013
The ecological context of soundscapes for children's blood pressure
Peter Lercher;
Peter Lercher
Division of Social Medicine
, Medical University Innsbruck
, Sonnenburgstrasse 16, A-6020 Innsbruck. Austria
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Gary W. Evans;
Gary W. Evans
Department of Design and Environmental Analysis and of Human Development
, Cornell University
, Ithaca, New York 14853-4401
Search for other works by this author on:
Ulrich Widmann
Ulrich Widmann
AUDI AG, Department I/EK-5, D-85045 Ingolstadt,
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected]
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134, 773–781 (2013)
Article history
April 18 2012
December 03 2012
Peter Lercher, Gary W. Evans, Ulrich Widmann; The ecological context of soundscapes for children's blood pressure. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 July 2013; 134 (1): 773–781.
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