This study presents a method for analyzing speech rhythm using empirical mode decomposition of the speech amplitude envelope, which allows for extraction and quantification of syllabic- and supra-syllabic time-scale components of the envelope. The method of empirical mode decomposition of a vocalic energy amplitude envelope is illustrated in detail, and several types of rhythm metrics derived from this method are presented. Spontaneous speech extracted from the Buckeye Corpus is used to assess the effect of utterance length on metrics, and it is shown how metrics representing variability in the supra-syllabic time-scale components of the envelope can be used to identify stretches of speech with targeted rhythmic characteristics. Furthermore, the envelope-based metrics are used to characterize cross-linguistic differences in speech rhythm in the UC San Diego Speech Lab corpus of English, German, Greek, Italian, Korean, and Spanish speech elicited in read sentences, read passages, and spontaneous speech. The envelope-based metrics exhibit significant effects of language and elicitation method that argue for a nuanced view of cross-linguistic rhythm patterns.
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July 2013
July 11 2013
Speech rhythm analysis with decomposition of the amplitude envelope: Characterizing rhythmic patterns within and across languages
Sam Tilsen;
Sam Tilsen
Department of Linguistics
, Cornell University
, 203 Morrill Hall, Ithaca, New York 14853-4701
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Amalia Arvaniti
Amalia Arvaniti
Department of Linguistics, University of California
, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, Number 0108, La Jolla, California 92093-0108
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected]
Current address: Department of English Language and Linguistics, University of Kent, Cornwallis North West, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NF, UK.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134, 628–639 (2013)
Article history
May 30 2012
April 29 2013
Sam Tilsen, Amalia Arvaniti; Speech rhythm analysis with decomposition of the amplitude envelope: Characterizing rhythmic patterns within and across languages. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 July 2013; 134 (1): 628–639.
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