In this paper, a method to synthesize laughter by modifying the excitation source information is presented. The excitation source information is derived by extracting epoch locations and instantaneous fundamental frequency using zero frequency filtering approach. The zero frequency filtering approach is modified to capture the rapidly varying instantaneous fundamental frequency in natural laugh signals. The nature of variation of excitation features in natural laughter is examined to determine the features to be incorporated in the synthesis of a laugh signal. Features such as pitch period and strength of excitation are modified in the utterance of vowel /a/ or /i/ to generate the laughter signal. Frication is also incorporated wherever appropriate. Laugh signal is generated by varying parameters at both call level and bout level. Experiments are conducted to determine the significance of different features in the perception of laughter. Subjective evaluation is performed to determine the level of acceptance and quality of synthesis of the synthesized laughter signal for different choices of parameter values and for different input types.
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May 2013
May 06 2013
Synthesis of laughter by modifying excitation characteristics
Sathya Adithya Thati;
Sathya Adithya Thati
International Institute of Information Technology
, Hyderabad 500032, India
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Sudheer Kumar K;
Sudheer Kumar K
International Institute of Information Technology
, Hyderabad 500032, India
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B. Yegnanarayana
B. Yegnanarayana
International Institute of Information Technology
, Hyderabad 500032, India
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected]
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133, 3072–3082 (2013)
Article history
June 08 2012
March 08 2013
Sathya Adithya Thati, Sudheer Kumar K, B. Yegnanarayana; Synthesis of laughter by modifying excitation characteristics. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 May 2013; 133 (5): 3072–3082.
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