In the first part of the paper, a single degree-of-freedom model of a vibrating membrane with piezoelectric inserts is introduced and is initially applied to the case when a plane wave is incident with frequency close to one of the resonance frequencies. The model is a prototype of a device which converts ambient acoustical energy to electrical energy with the use of piezoelectric devices. The paper then proposes an enhancement of the energy harvesting process using a nonlinear processing of the output voltage of piezoelectric actuators, and suggests that this improves the energy conversion and reduces the sensitivity to frequency drifts. A theoretical discussion is given for the electrical power that can be expected making use of various models. This and supporting experimental results suggest that a nonlinear optimization approach allows a gain of up to 10 in harvested energy and a doubling of the bandwidth. A model is introduced in the latter part of the paper for predicting the behavior of the energy-harvesting device with changes in acoustic frequency, this model taking into account the damping effect and the frequency changes introduced by the nonlinear processes in the device.
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November 2010
November 24 2010
Nonlinear optimization of acoustic energy harvesting using piezoelectric devices
Mickaël Lallart;
Mickaël Lallart
Université de Lyon
, LGEF EA 682, F-69621 Villeurbanne, France
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Daniel Guyomar;
Daniel Guyomar
Université de Lyon
, LGEF EA 682, F-69621 Villeurbanne, France
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Claude Richard;
Claude Richard
Université de Lyon
, LGEF EA 682, F-69621 Villeurbanne, France
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Lionel Petit
Lionel Petit
Université de Lyon
, LGEF EA 682, F-69621 Villeurbanne, France
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected]
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128, 2739–2748 (2010)
Article history
March 05 2009
December 11 2009
Mickaël Lallart, Daniel Guyomar, Claude Richard, Lionel Petit; Nonlinear optimization of acoustic energy harvesting using piezoelectric devices. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 November 2010; 128 (5): 2739–2748.
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