This study evaluated the potential risk to hearing associated with the use of portable digital audio players. Twenty-eight university students (12 males, 16 females; aged 17–23) completed a 49-item questionnaire assessing user listening habits and subjective measures of hearing health. Sound level measurements of participants’ self-identified typical and ‘worst case’ volume levels were taken in different classrooms with background sound levels between 43 and 52 dBA. The median frequency and duration of use was 2 h per day, 6.5 days a week. The median sound levels and interquartile ranges (IQR) at typical and ‘worst case’ volume settings were 71 dBA and 79 dBA , respectively. When typical sound levels were considered with self-reported duration of daily use, none of the participants surpassed Leq(8) 85 dBA. On the questionnaire, 19 students reported experiencing at least one symptom of possible noise-induced hearing loss. Significant differences in MP3 user listening patterns were found between respondents who had experienced tinnitus and those who had not. The findings add to a growing body of literature that collectively supports a need for further research investigating MP3 player user listening habits in order to assess their potential risk to hearing health.
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August 2010
August 09 2010
MP3 player listening habits of 17 to 23 year old university studentsa)
Kylie McNeill;
Kylie McNeill
School of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of Ottawa
, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5, Canada
Search for other works by this author on:
Stephen E. Keith;
Stephen E. Keith
Consumer and Clinical Radiation Protection Bureau,
Health Canada
, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1C1, Canada
Search for other works by this author on:
Katya Feder;
Katya Feder
Consumer and Clinical Radiation Protection Bureau,
Health Canada
, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1C1, Canada
Search for other works by this author on:
Anne T. M. Konkle;
Anne T. M. Konkle
Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences,
University of Ottawa
, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5, Canada
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David S. Michaud
David S. Michaud
Consumer and Clinical Radiation Protection Bureau,
Health Canada
, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1C1, Canada
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected]
Portions of this manuscript have been presented at InterNoise 2009, Ottawa, ON.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128, 646–653 (2010)
Article history
February 11 2010
June 09 2010
Kylie McNeill, Stephen E. Keith, Katya Feder, Anne T. M. Konkle, David S. Michaud; MP3 player listening habits of 17 to 23 year old university students. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 August 2010; 128 (2): 646–653.
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