Acoustic and seismic waves provide a method to localize compliant mines by vibrating the top plate and a thin soil layer above the mine. This vibration is mostly linear, but also includes a small nonlinear deviation. The main goal of this paper is to introduce a method of processing that uses phase-inversion to observe nonlinear effects in a wide frequency band. The method extracts a nonlinear part of surface velocity from two similar broadcast signals of opposite sign by summing and canceling the linear components and leaving the nonlinear components. This phase-inversion method is combined with time reversal focusing to provide increased seismic vibration and enhance the nonlinear effect. The experiments used six loudspeakers in a wood box placed over sand in which inert landmines were buried. The nonlinear surface velocity of the sand with a mine compared to the sand without a mine was greater as compared to a linear technique.
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April 2009
April 01 2009
Wideband nonlinear time reversal seismo-acoustic method for landmine detection
Alexander Sutin;
Alexander Sutin
Stevens Institute of Technology
, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 and ARTANN Laboratories, Inc.
, 1459 Lower Ferry Road, Trenton, New Jersey 08618
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Brad Libbey;
Brad Libbey
Night Vision and Electronics Sensors Directorate
, 10221 Burbeck Road, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060
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Laurent Fillinger;
Laurent Fillinger
Stevens Institute of Technology
, Hoboken, New Jersey 07030
Search for other works by this author on:
Armen Sarvazyan
Armen Sarvazyan
ARTANN Laboratories, Inc.
, 1459 Lower Ferry Road, Trenton, New Jersey 08618
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J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125, 1906–1910 (2009)
Article history
June 10 2007
January 26 2009
Alexander Sutin, Brad Libbey, Laurent Fillinger, Armen Sarvazyan; Wideband nonlinear time reversal seismo-acoustic method for landmine detection. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 April 2009; 125 (4): 1906–1910.
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