Two experiments investigated the effects of critical bandwidth and frequency region on the use of temporal envelope cues for speech. In both experiments, spectral details were reduced using vocoder processing. In experiment 1, consonant identification scores were measured in a condition for which the cutoff frequency of the envelope extractor was half the critical bandwidth (HCB) of the auditory filters centered on each analysis band. Results showed that performance is similar to those obtained in conditions for which the envelope cutoff was set to or above. Experiment 2 evaluated the impact of setting the cutoff frequency of the envelope extractor to values of 4, 8, and or to HCB in one or two contiguous bands for an eight-band vocoder. The cutoff was set to for all the other bands. Overall, consonant identification was not affected by removing envelope fluctuations above in the low- and high-frequency bands. In contrast, speech intelligibility decreased as the cutoff frequency was decreased in the midfrequency region from . The behavioral results were fairly consistent with a physical analysis of the stimuli, suggesting that clearly measurable envelope fluctuations cannot be attenuated without affecting speech intelligibility.
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May 01 2008
Differential contribution of envelope fluctuations across frequency to consonant identification in quiet
Frédéric Apoux;
Frédéric Apoux
Psychoacoustics Laboratory, Department of Speech and Hearing Science,
Arizona State University
, P.O. Box 870102, Tempe, Arizona 85287-0102
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Sid P. Bacon
Sid P. Bacon
Psychoacoustics Laboratory, Department of Speech and Hearing Science,
Arizona State University
, P.O. Box 870102, Tempe, Arizona 85287-0102
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected]
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 123, 2792–2800 (2008)
Article history
November 03 2006
February 25 2008
Frédéric Apoux, Sid P. Bacon; Differential contribution of envelope fluctuations across frequency to consonant identification in quiet. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 May 2008; 123 (5): 2792–2800.
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