Statistically optimized near field acoustic holography (SONAH) differs from conventional near field acoustic holography (NAH) by avoiding spatial Fourier transforms; the processing is done directly in the spatial domain. The main advantage of SONAH compared with NAH is that the usual requirement of a measurement aperture that extends well beyond the source can be relaxed. Both NAH and SONAH are based on the assumption that all sources are on one side of the measurement plane whereas the other side is source free. An extension of the SONAH procedure based on measurement with a double layer array of pressure microphones has been suggested. The double layer technique makes it possible to distinguish between sources on the two sides of the array and thus suppress the influence of extraneous noise coming from the “wrong” side. It has also recently been demonstrated that there are significant advantages in NAH based on an array of acoustic particle velocity transducers (in a single layer) compared with NAH based on an array of pressure microphones. This investigation combines the two ideas and examines SONAH based on an array of pressure-velocity intensity probes through computer simulations as well as experimentally.
Statistically optimized near field acoustic holography using an array of pressure-velocity probesa)
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Portions of this work were presented in “Statistically optimised near field acoustic holography based on particle velocity measurements,” Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Vienna, Austria, July 2006, and in “Statistically optimised near field acoustic holography with an array of pressure-velocity intensity probes,” Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2006, Honolulu, HI, December 2006.
Finn Jacobsen, Virginie Jaud; Statistically optimized near field acoustic holography using an array of pressure-velocity probes. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 March 2007; 121 (3): 1550–1558.
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