Acoustic methods of land mine detection rely on the vibrations of the top plate of the mine in response to sound. For granular soil (e.g., sand), the particle size is expected to influence the mine response. This hypothesis is studied experimentally using a plate loaded with dry sand of various sizes from hundreds of microns to a few millimeters. For low values of sand mass, the plate resonance decreases with added mass and eventually reaches a minimum without particle size dependence. After the minimum, a frequency increase is observed with additional mass that includes a particle-size effect. Analytical nondissipative continuum models for granular media capture the observed particle-size dependence qualitatively but not quantitatively. In addition, a continuum-based finite element model (FEM) of a two-layer plate is used, with the sand layer replaced by an equivalent elastic layer for evaluation of the effective properties of the layer. Given a thickness of sand layer and corresponding experimental resonance, an inverse FEM problem is solved iteratively to give the effective Young’s modulus and bending stiffness that matches the experimental frequency. It is shown that a continuum elastic model must employ a thickness-dependent elastic modulus in order to match experimental values.
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February 2007
February 01 2007
Granular layers on vibrating plates: Effective bending stiffness and particle-size effects
Wonmo Kang;
Wonmo Kang
Department of Engineering Mechanics,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
, W317.4 Nebraska Hall, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588
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Joseph A. Turner;
Joseph A. Turner
Department of Engineering Mechanics,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
, W317.4 Nebraska Hall, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588
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Florin Bobaru;
Florin Bobaru
Department of Engineering Mechanics,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
, W317.4 Nebraska Hall, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588
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Liyong Yang;
Liyong Yang
Department of Engineering Mechanics,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
, W317.4 Nebraska Hall, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588
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Kitti Rattanadit
Kitti Rattanadit
Department of Engineering Mechanics,
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
, W317.4 Nebraska Hall, Lincoln, Nebraska 68588
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Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; electronic mail: [email protected]
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121, 888–896 (2007)
Article history
February 02 2006
November 09 2006
Wonmo Kang, Joseph A. Turner, Florin Bobaru, Liyong Yang, Kitti Rattanadit; Granular layers on vibrating plates: Effective bending stiffness and particle-size effects. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 February 2007; 121 (2): 888–896.
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