Originally developed to estimate the power gain of the cochlear amplifier, so-called “Allen–Fahey” and related experiments have proved invaluable for probing the mechanisms of wave generation and propagation within the cochlea. The experimental protocol requires simultaneous measurement of intracochlear distortion products (DPs) and ear-canal otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) under tightly controlled conditions. To calibrate the intracochlear response to the DP, Allen–Fahey experiments traditionally employ invasive procedures such as recording from auditory-nerve fibers or measuring basilar-membrane velocity. This paper describes an alternative method that allows the intracochlear distortion source to be calibrated noninvasively. In addition to the standard pair of primary tones used to generate the principal DP, the noninvasive method employs a third, fixed tone to create a secondary DPOAE whose amplitude and phase provide a sensitive assay of the intracochlear value of the principal DP near its characteristic place. The method is used to perform noninvasive Allen–Fahey experiments in cat and shown to yield results in quantitative agreement with the original, auditory-nerve-based paradigm performed in the same animal. Data obtained using a suppression-compensated variation of the noninvasive method demonstrate that neither traveling-wave amplification nor two-tone suppression constitutes the controlling influence in DPOAE generation at close frequency ratios. Rather, the dominant factor governing the emission magnitude appears to be the variable directionality of the waves radiated by the distortion-source region, which acts as a distortion beamformer tuned by the primary frequency ratio.
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February 2007
February 01 2007
Cochlear traveling-wave amplification, suppression, and beamforming probed using noninvasive calibration of intracochlear distortion sources
Christopher A. Shera;
Christopher A. Shera
Eaton-Peabody Laboratory,
Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary
, 243 Charles Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02114 and Department of Otology & Laryngology, Harvard Medical School
, Boston, Massachusetts 02115
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John J. Guinan, Jr.
John J. Guinan, Jr.
Eaton-Peabody Laboratory,
Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary
, 243 Charles Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02114 and Department of Otology & Laryngology, Harvard Medical School
, Boston, Massachusetts 02115
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Electronic mail: [email protected]
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 121, 1003–1016 (2007)
Article history
September 12 2006
November 03 2006
Christopher A. Shera, John J. Guinan; Cochlear traveling-wave amplification, suppression, and beamforming probed using noninvasive calibration of intracochlear distortion sources. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 February 2007; 121 (2): 1003–1016. https://doi.org/10.1121/1.2404620
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